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Carpenter’s “Riddles” Recognized by Best Indie Lit New England

February 22, 2013 at 2:37 pm
By Anna Versen '14

A short story by Scott Carpenter, Professor of French, appears in the anthology Best Indie Lit New England 2012. The piece is drawn from his recent collection, This Jealous Earth. Best Indie Lit New England is an anthology series that showcases some of the best work published in literary journals, providing opportunities for readers to discover new writers and publications, and for writers to gain greater recognition and find new audiences for their work.

They write, “‘Riddles,’ Carpenter’s narrative of a middle-aged woman lost in a museum, calls on us to consider the inevitability of the body’s decline, the regret of desires deferred by the necessities of work and family, and the alienation of growing old in a world obsessed with comeliness and youth. Carpenter’s story provides an intimate look into the life a single character, inviting us to extend the bounds of our empathy and identification.”