We may not all think we have bios, but we all have stories. Your 50th Reunion Planning Committee is hoping you will share yours. Include whatever content and/or format you’d like: list your career/s; describe your family; highlight major milestones; create a poem; share excerpts from books or articles; insert a photo, diagram, cartoon; reflect on life at 70+; express remembrances of Carleton; expound upon issues you’re passionate about; impart some wisdom; or…..

If you are stymied about what to share, check out our 25th Reunion Bio Book. There, our classmates demonstrated some imaginative ways to express their experiences – both ordinary and extraordinary. You can also check out these thought-provoking questions to fire your imagination. You might also want to view the stories that have already been posted by our classmates below.

Please try to keep your contributions to a single page — not more than 500 words. Recent photos are encouraged. 

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Please share your bio by clicking on “Create My Story” below. You will be able to edit it anytime.

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