Multicultural Senior Ceremony Celebration

          The Multicultural Senior Celebration (MSC) is an event dedicated to celebrating the multicultural seniors of the current and post graduating years. In addition, MSC aims to demonstrate to underclassmen that graduation from Carleton College is an obtainable goal, although it requires hard work and a drive to overcome life’s conquerable hardships and challenges. The Multicultural Senior Celebration is characterized by student created performances, a faculty member key note speaker, and ends with a family picnic or barbecue. This picnic allows graduating seniors, underclassmen, staff,  faculty, and alumni of diverse backgrounds  to come together to talk, dance, and enjoy each other’s company, fostering community among various subgroups that make up Carleton’s campus.
          This ceremony first took place a couple years ago (under the name Multicultural Graduation) by determined students who deemed it necessary to have a separate commencement ceremony that recognized their academic achievements at Carleton.  Though we believe in the spirit of their mission, we did not want to have a separate commencement. Instead we wanted to have a ceremonial reception that incorporates seniors and underclassmen that identify themselves as multicultural, an idea that extends beyond race.
          In 2010, we revamped the entire ceremonial idea from the mission statement to the performances. We gathered support from various departments and the multicultural community. After months of gathering diverse performances, student reflections and funds, we finally created an event that not only celebrated seniors, but also fostered a feeling of community and comfort amongst all classes. We had Adriana Estill, an associate professor of English and American Studies, as our keynote speaker, gift ribbons for the senior class, and emotional participants.
          This year, we are keeping our same idea of celebration and community, but instead we are gathering new performances, reflections and an over arching theme. Our theme this year is “Putting the U.N.I.T.Y Back in Community”.  We will have diverse performances that express appreciation for the senior class and their achievements through, song, dance, poem, and music.  We will also have Hudlin Wagner, vice president for Student Development and Dean of Students, as our keynote speaker to help convey the importance of establishing and maintaining unity in our community. Moreover, we are emphasizing that this event is open to all students no matter what background of diversity they may come from. The event is scheduled on May 28th, 2011 at 3pm in the Great Hall. We are very excited to have this event and hope that this will continue after we graduate!

Jeweletter Johnson '13
Multicultural Senior Celebration Committee