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LTC Library

The LTC Library is located in Laird 115.

Come browse the LTC collection of books, journals, and articles in Willis 207.

Our searchable datablase is now available from any computer on campus that is loaded with EndNote. This will make it easier than ever to find just the right article or book for your interests. The database is updated regularly.

Instructions for accessing the LTC database: (**instructions will vary based on your system and web browser) Right click on this link (Mac users, click and hold). Select "Save link target as..." from the menu that appears. Save the file to either your personal network space or the hard drive (scratch disk) of your computer. Then, find the saved file on your computer and click to open it. You must have EndNote on your computer.

Keep checking this space for the location of the LTC Library Database on Carleton's network.

The LTC Library is open weekdays.