Course Details

SPAN 366: Jorge Luis Borges: Less a Man Than a Vast and Complex Literature

Borges once said about Quevedo that he was less a man than a vast and complex literature. This phrase is probably the best definition for Borges as well. We will discuss the many writers encompassed by Borges: the vanguard writer, the poet, the detective short story writer, the fantastic story writer, the essayist. We will also study his many literary masks: H. Bustoc Domecq (the apocryphal writer he created with Bioy Casares) a pseudonym he used to write chronicles and detective stories. We will study his impact on contemporary writers and philosophers such as Foucault, Derrida, Roberto Bolaño, etc. Prerequisite: Spanish 205 or above
6 credits; LA, IS; Offered Fall 2018; J. Brioso