Course Details

SPAN 371: Yours Truly: The Body of the Letter

This course will focus on letters and their significance as acts of symbolic and material exchange, as objects that bear the mark of the bodily act of writing, and as a staging of the scene of writing itself. We will study different types of letters (love letters, prison letters, literary letters, letters imbedded in other texts, fictional letters, epistolary novels, etc.), but always as the site of production of a modern and gendered self. Texts by Simón Bolívar, Manuela Sáenz, Rosa Luxemburg, Simone de Beauvoir, André Gorz, Pedro Salinas, Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Pasternak, Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann, Elena Poniatowska, Alan Pauls and Alfredo Bryce Echenique. Prerequisite: Spanish 205 or above
6 credits; LA, IS; Offered Spring 2019; S. Lopez