Literary and Cultural Studies

LCST 101 Buddhist Studies in India: Elementary Thai Language This course provides instruction for non-native speakers to basic Thai language for daily use. Language instruction is based in Thai social context and Thai manners for communication. Students are introduced to the Thai language’s fundamental grammar rules, and its tonal system and sounds. Students gain facility with spoken Thai through classroom instruction and informal practice with native speakers. Prerequisite: Acceptance in Buddhist Studies in India Program. 8 credits; NE; Fall; Arthur P McKeown
LCST 101 Buddhist Studies India Program: Elementary Hindi An introduction to basic colloquial Hindi speaking and writing skills for everyday interactions in Northern India. Essential grammar is introduced and reviewed in morning meetings, and conversational and reading abilities are developed in afternoon practice. Students are encouraged to practice speaking and listening comprehension by conversing with Hindi speakers outside of class. Prerequisite: Acceptance in Buddhist Studies India Program. 8 credits; NE; Fall, Winter; Arthur P McKeown
LCST 101 Cross-Cultural Psychology in Prague: Elementary Czech This highly recommended language course will meet twice per week and emphasize basic listening and speaking skills. Students will be challenged to utilize their new language skills in everyday situations. Prerequisite: Enrollment in Cross-Cultural Psychology in Prague Program. 4 credits; S/CR/NC; NE; Fall; Ken B Abrams
LCST 101 Globalizaton & Local Responses in India Program: Elementary Hindi This course will introduce students to the basics of spoken and written Hindi. This will give students an investment in Indian culture and allow them to interact with their surroundings with some degree of familiarity. Prerequisite: Enrollment in Globalization & Local Responses in India Program. 3 credits; S/CR/NC; NE, IS; Winter; Brendan P LaRocque
LCST 245 The Critical Toolbox: Who's Afraid of Theory? This class introduces students to the various theoretical frameworks and the many approaches scholars can use when analyzing a text (whether this text is a film, an image, a literary piece or a performance). What do words like ‘structuralism,’ ‘ecocriticism,’ 'cultural studies,' and ‘postcolonial studies’ refer to? Most importantly, how do they help us understand the world around us? This class will be organized around interdisciplinary theoretical readings and exercises in cultural analysis. Prerequisite: At least one 200- or 300-level course in Literary/Artistic Analysis (in any language) or instructor permission. 6 credits; LA, WR2, IS; Winter; Seth E Peabody