Urgent Counseling | After-Hours Medical Services | Emergency ContraceptionTransportation

After-hours counseling

An additional service as of Spring term 2024 is TimelyCare, which has both scheduled and on-demand counseling appointments available after normal business hours. See more here.

Urgent Counseling Services

If you need urgent mental health services, licensed mental health counselors are on-call 24/7/365. For urgent phone counseling, access the on-call counselor by calling 855-705-2479 or by contacting SHAC at 507-222-4080 (select option 2 if calling after-hours).

This service can be used for problem-solving immediate concerns such as:

  • Concerns for self (suicidal ideation, self-harm, academic or social worries, strategies for managing stress, anxiety, or low mood)
  • Concerns for others (worried for another student’s mental health, wondering if your concerns for a student require urgent attention)

The telephone counselors are aware of campus and Northfield resources, are able to connect with local emergency care as needed, and communicate with SHAC staff to provide complete wrap-around services for the benefit of students.

Medical Services After-Hours

If you require emergency medical care, call 911 or go to the Northfield Hospital Emergency Room.

For non-life-threatening emergencies occurring after hours, care is available at local urgent care clinic and the Northfield Hospital.

To access health care in the evening or on the weekend:

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception (Plan B) is available over the counter at local pharmacies (during regular pharmacy hours). Note: Plan B is available at SHAC and from OHP during regular business hours.


Please visit the Carleton College Transportation website for information about how to secure transportation for medical appointments.