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Religion (RELG)

Chair: Professor Anne E. Patrick

Visiting Professors: Rosemary Rader, Anatanand Rambachan

Professors: Richard E. Crouter, Roger R. Jackson, Louis E. Newman, Anne E. Patrick

Visiting Assistant Professors: Patricia Z. Beckman, Stephen T. Campagna-Pinto, Joy Laine

Post-Doctoral Fellow: Pori Park

The study of religion, in the context of a liberal arts education, draws upon multiple disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences. This is reflected in the variety of courses offered within the department: some introduce a religious tradition and trace its development historically; others examine in a cross-cultural context issues faced by all religious individuals and communities; and still others explore and compare diverse theories and methods employed in the study of religions. Throughout the curriculum, religion is approached as a significant and pervasive expression of human culture, both in the past and the present. Students interested in the study of religion or in a particular religious tradition are encouraged to begin by taking Introduction to Religion (Religion 110) or other introductory level courses, numbered 100-169. For those planning a career in teaching or ministry, courses in the department serve as an introduction to further graduate or professional study.

Requirements for a Major:

Sixty-nine credits in the department, including Religion 110; a minimum of two courses numbered 111-169 (one in Asian, one in Western traditions); two courses numbered 220-299; two advanced seminars (320-379); Religion 300: Issues in the Study of Religion; Religion 399: Senior Research Seminar; and Religion 400: Integrative Exercise. Students planning to major in Religion should consult with their advisor in the spring of their sophomore year; a sequence of at least three courses in a religious tradition, theme, or topic is to be designed in consultation with an academic advisor by the end of the junior year. Religion 300 is taken during the winter term of the junior year, Religion 399 during the winter term of the senior year, and Religion 400 in the spring term of the senior year. Since Religion 110 is a prerequisite for Religion 300, those planning to major in Religion must take Religion 110 before the winter of their junior year.

Religion Courses

RELG 110. Introduction to Religion The introductory course in the Religion department offers the student an opportunity to encounter and reflect upon religion in human life. The focus is on selected source readings and significant interpretations of religion in the past and present. The field of religious studies includes cross-cultural materials and a variety of approaches. Material is drawn from Asian and Western religions. 6 credits cr., HU, Fall,Winter,SpringP. Beckman, S. Campagna-Pinto, L. Newman, R. Rader

RELG 111. Religions of the West Western civilization has been shaped decisively by three monotheistic religious traditionsóJudaism, Christianity and Islam. In this course, we explore some of the central beliefs, values, and ritual practices of these religions, some of their interactions, and some of the issues that divide them. Attention will be paid both to the historical development of these traditions and to the distinctive forms they have assumed in modern times. The course will be useful for anyone interested in the religious roots of western culture and it will prepare you to do more advanced work in any of these traditions. No prerequisites. 6 credits cr., HU, FallL. Newman

RELG 120. Introduction to Judaism This course provides an overview of the Judaic tradition as a whole, exploring its history, modes of expression, and characteristic polarities as phenomena of general human significance. The contours of classical Jewish life and thought are explored, as well as the crises, challenges, and choices confronting Judaic faith and practice today. 6 credits cr., HU, FallL. Newman

RELG 121. Introduction to Christianity A study of the classical teachings, rituals, social and cultural forms of the Christian religion in its early Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant, and contemporary Third World developments. The course includes field visits and visual materials as well as lectures and discussions. 6 credits cr., HU, FallP. Beckman

RELG 122. Introduction to Islam The course focuses on the Arabian background to Islam, the life of the prophet Muhammad, the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith, and the tradition's expansion beyond its Middle Eastern homeland. Special topics include Sufi mysticism, the role of women, the place of politics in Islam, and Islam's relation to modernity. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, SpringR. Jackson

RELG 140. Religion and American Culture I Cross-listed with AMST 140. This course studies the rich reservoir of religious ideas and experiences that sparked the development of American culture from the pre-colonial period to the Civil War. The course addresses the many ways that American values and institutions have shaped, and been shaped by, traditional religions and new religious movements and ideas. Topics for study encompass Native American religious practices, Puritanism, witchcraft and folk religions, slave religion, revivalism, Mormonism, African-American Christianity, abolitionism, Transcendentalism, and the arrival of non-western religion in America. 6 credits cr., HU, FallS. Campagna-Pinto

RELG 141. Religion and American Culture II Cross-listed with AMST 141. A continuation of Religion 140, the course treats the American religious experience from the Civil War to the contemporary era. Overarching themes include the effects of modernity on religious vitality; the influence of multiculturalism on the growth of religious pluralism; and the role of religion in movements for social change. Chief among the topics of study are religious responses to science; the social gospel movement; the emergence and growth of Fundamentalism; American responses to Judaism and the Holocaust; religion and the civil rights movement; new religious movements, feminism and religion; and the Branch Davidian tragedy at Waco. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterS. Campagna-Pinto

RELG 150. Religions of South Asia A survey of the origins and classical development of the major religious traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Primary attention will be given to the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, but Islam and the Jain and Sikh traditions also are considered. Readings are drawn mainly from Indian sources in English translation. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, FallA. Rambachan

RELG 151. Chinese Religious Thought Introduction to the Buddhist, as well as Confucian, Taoist, and related traditions in ancient China. Emphasis is on some of the early teachings which helped to shape the fundamental worldview of Chinese society and its culture. Attention will also be paid to dissident philosophical views and their social ramifications both within and outside the main traditions. Focus will be on the study of primary texts in translation. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 152. Japanese Religion and Culture This course examines various strands of Japanese religion in their interconnection with culture. We will pay special attention to early and modern forms of the Shinto and Buddhist traditions as well as artistic and literary expressions of religious life and practice. Because the newer forms of religion are dynamic and influential in the contemporary Japanese scene, the relationship between religion and the social order is another point of focus 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 153. Korean Religion and Culture This course examines the evolution of Korean culture within the context of religious history. It will cover mythology, Buddhism, early Confucian thought, Neo-Confucianism, and Christianity. The emphasis will be on cultural importation and adaptation, and the interaction among different strands of religious traditions. All readings are in English, mainly drawn from primary sources. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, WinterP. Park

RELG 211. Religion and Modern Literature An exploration of the religious significance of selected works of fiction, poetry, and drama by literary artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The close literary analysis of these texts will be accompanied by a unifying interest in the problem of faith and doubt in the modern era and in the various stances adopted by modern thinkers with regard to historical religious traditions. 6 credits cr., HU, FallA. Patrick

RELG 220. The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) The central religious beliefs and moral values of ancient Israel will be explored both in relation to other ancient near eastern cultures and as the basis of later developments in Judaism and Christianity. Attention will also be given to the diversity of literary genres exemplified in the Hebrew Bible and to the problems of interpreting biblical texts. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterL. Newman

RELG 221. Jesus, Paul, and Christian Origins (New Testament) An introduction to the literature and theology of the New Testament in its historical setting and to the origins and social worlds of early Christian movements. Attention is given to the interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels, Paul, and John, and to the perspectives of the New Testament on theological and ethical issues. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterP. Beckman

RELG 222. The Islamic Revival This course examines the salient religious and political features of modern Islamic revivalist organizations in such countries and regions as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank/Gaza, Iran, and Pakistan. It gives particular attention to these groups' origins, structures, worldviews, and similarities and differences. A substantial portion of the course is also devoted to introducing significant concepts and practices within Islam, analyzing negative stereotypes about Islam and Muslims, and giving attention to key methodological issues which pertain to the study of Islam and religion in the modern world. Religion 122 is recommended, but not required. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 224. Women and Religion Cross-listed with WMST 224. An examination of selected texts and issues with emphasis on women's historical involvement in Christianity and on the variety of "reformist" and "radical" options proposed by contemporary religious feminists. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 225. Contemporary Catholic Theology Christian theology was at the heart of the curriculum when universities were established at Oxford, Paris, and Bologna eight centuries ago. The discipline has changed a great deal since then, but its findings remain both fascinating and controversial today. This course will meet once a week to consider the current state of various theological questions, using recent essays by Catholic authors on topics ranging from biblical interpretation and the doctrine of God to ethics and spirituality. The course has no prerequisites; it is designed to introduce students to contemporary Roman Catholic theology and to prepare them for specialized work in areas such as liberationist and feminist approaches to theology. 3 credits cr., HU, WinterA. Patrick

RELG 227. Liberation Theologies Cross-listed with LTAM 227. An introduction to Black Theology, U.S. Hispanic Theology, Latin American Liberation Theology, and Feminist Theology through writings of various contemporary thinkers. Attention will be directed to the social settings out of which these thinkers have emerged, their critiques of "traditional" theologies, and the new vision of Christian life they are developing. Previous study of Christianity is recommended but not required. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 228. Issues in Christian Ethics This course explores a range of issues in the practice of Christian faith, including: ethical decision making; the tensions of discipleship in a pluralistic culture; conscience and the authority of scripture, church, and tradition; and, moral issues related to developments in science and society, such as bioethical questions. Previous study of Christianity is recommended but not required. 6 credits cr., HU, SpringA. Patrick

RELG 231. Protestant Thought This course treats the historical forms, classical expressions, and religious practices of Protestant Christianity from the original Reformation through the nineteenth century. Focus is on the interpretation of texts (Luther, Calvin, Book of Common Prayer, Bunyan, Schleiermacher, Kierkegaard) and movements (Puritanism, Pietism) in their historical contexts and their contemporary relevance. The relationship of these texts to Roman Catholicism, to the rise of historical-critical inquiry and modern secular rationality will also be examined. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterP. Beckman

RELG 238. Topics in Medieval History: Papacy, Church and Empire Cross-listed with HIST 238,FRST 238,WMST 233. In the late eleventh century, the foundations of medieval society began to shake. Monks and clerics, kings and princes, lay men and women, challenged the traditional order of European society, demanding purity, freedom, and justice for their church and the reform of institutions grown corrupt. Yet the traditional order had its defenders, too. In this course we will examine their struggles--verbal and physical--as they debate such issues as clerical marriage and purity, institutional corruption, the relationship of Church and King, the meaning of canon law, the concept of just war, and the power of the pope within the Church. 3 credits cr., HU, WinterW. North

RELG 238. Topics in Medieval History: Gender and Ethics in Medieval France Cross-listed with HIST 238,FRST 238,WMST 233. Acknowledged by contemporaries as one of the leading intellects of her time, Christine de Pizan (ca. 1364-ca. 1431) was an author of unusual literary range and perceptiveness. In addition to romances, poetry, and a quasi-autobiographical Vision, she composed works on political theory, arms and chivalry, and her famous defenses of women--The City of Ladies and the Treasure of the City of Ladies. Using Christine's writings as a foundation, we will explore problems and perceptions of gender, love, the ethics of personal relations, and the exercise of power in domestic and public spheres in late medieval France. 3 credits cr., HU, WinterW. North

RELG 239. Religion and the American Landscape The course studies religious interpretations of the American landscape as sacred space, and investigates the ways that religious beliefs have influenced the transformation of the New World environment. The course introduces students to religious interpretations of phenomena such as wilderness, nature, and geography in order to study various expressions of natural and built sacred space. Topics covered include colonization and the transformation of the environment, the interpretation of nature as sacred space and scripture, the formation of land ethic, the architecture of Wright, Anasazi sacred space, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Holocaust Memorial Museum. 6 credits cr., HU, FallS. Campagna-Pinto

RELG 242. Latino Religious Traditions This course will survey religious systems within three Latina/o groups: Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and Cuban. Traditions we will cover include: Catholicism, Evangelicalism, Curanderismo and Espiritualismo, Espiritismo, and Santeria. Historical and contemporary contexts will be treated. Our thematic comparative question asks: Is there a definitive Latina/o religion, or a characteristic style of being religious in Latina/o culture? Additionally, what can the study of Latinos teach us about religion, and what can the study of religion teach us about Latinos? 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 247. Religion and American Popular Culture Since the late 1950s lay participation in religious institutions has declined sharply. Today, less than half of the American population attends a church, synagogue, mosque, or Buddhist temple each week. And yet, an estimated ninety-two percent of Americans profess a belief in God, and confess also a concern with spirituality. The thesis of this course is that the expression of non-institutional religion (and many institutional expressions as well) has become figured into aspects of American popular culture, including television, film and general media. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 250. The Hindu Tradition An exploration of selected texts and topics from the dominant religious tradition of India. Drawing from both classical and modern sources, we consider a range of expressions of Hindu religiousness, from philosophic speculation, to mythic narrative, yogic practice, daily ritual, ecstatic devotion, and social and ethical prescription. Religion 150 is recommended but not required. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 251. Theravada Buddhism This course places Theravada Buddhism in a broad, comparative, cross-cultural context of South and Southeast Asia. Outlining doctrinal foundations in India, it goes on to examine the development of Theravada and Sinhala Buddhism in Sri Lanka by studying the narratives in Pali commentaries, chronicles, and vernacular medieval literature. Theravada expansion into Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos will be examined from a cross-cultural perspective in the context of political and religious developments in medieval Sri Lanka. The course will use myths and rituals for comparison, will discuss the importance of secular power, and will analyze problems that Theravada faces today. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Winter R. Jackson

RELG 253. Tibetan Buddhism Against a background of the essential ideas and practices of Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism, this course examines the development within Mahayana of the esoteric traditions of Tantra, and then traces the rise and development of the complex, Tantra-dominated Buddhism of Tibet. Topics include the role of the lama, ideas about death and reincarnation, tantric meditative practices, debates about such doctrines as emptiness and skillful means, the place of women, and the history of the Dalai Lamas. Religion 150 is recommended but not required. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 255. East Asian Buddhist Thought and Practice Selected major figures and schools of East Asian Buddhism are examined in historical succession, focusing on China and Japan and including Korea. Representative figures will be examined from the Philosophical Schools, Zen, and Pure Land Buddhism, as well as others. Primary texts in translation will be examined in detail. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, SpringP. Park

RELG 260. Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism Cross-listed with SOAN 260. Exploring the ways in which people make sense of their world through myth, ritual and symbolism, this course takes an anthropological approach to the study of comparative religion. What is the relationship between "myth" and "history?" How do animals, food, color, music, and the human body function as idioms of symbolic communication? Why is ritual credited with the ability to heal illnesses, offer political commentary, maintain cosmic harmony, and foster social cohesion through the exhibition of interpersonal tensions? Examining major theories in the anthropology of religion, students learn to record and analyze both "familiar" and "unfamiliar" myths, rituals, and symbols. 6 credits cr., SS, WinterJ. Levi

RELG 261. Sociology of Religion Cross-listed with SOAN 228. The social dimension of religion and the relationship between religion and society. Sociological theories of religion; conversion and commitment; sects, churches and cults; secularization debate; institutionalization; civil religion and new religious movements; religion and politics; and social basis of religious behavior and organization. Prerequisite: Sociology 111 or consent of instructor. 6 credits cr., SS, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 268. Jews & Judaism in America Cross-listed with AMST 268. . Over the past two centuries, Jews have combined elements of traditional Judaism with aspects of American culture to create distinctive forms of Jewish life and thought. We will trace the history of American Jews and analyze the character of American Judaism, with special emphasis on the diverse contemporary forms of Jewish life. Prior study of Judaism and/or Hebrew Bible will be useful, but is not required. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 269. Jewish Ethics How do religious beliefs shape our moral perspectives? In this course we will examine the ways in which this has happened within the Jewish tradition, paying attention to both ethical theory and issues in applied ethics. Both traditional and contemporary approaches to Jewish ethics will be examined and these will be compared with other religious as well as secular ethical traditions. Prior study of religion and/or ethics will be useful, but is not required. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 270. Philosophy of Religion Cross-listed with PHIL 236. An examination of several philosophical questions that arise concerning the sphere of religion. We ask, for example, what religion as such is, what faith or piety is, what we are to make of the existence of profoundly different religious traditions in the world, what religious experience is and how it relates to religious belief, and how religious belief relates to the norms of rationality. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterP. Mason

RELG 271. Issues in Contemporary Religious Thought: The Holocaust This course explores the profound theological and moral issues raised by the Nazi policy of systematic genocide. Attention will be given to a wide range of issues, including Jewish and Christian responses to these events, collaboration with the perpetrators, spiritual resistance, whether there are "unforgivable" crimes, and the use of scientific data from experiments on concentration camp inmates. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 272. Pilgrimage: A Comparative Study An exploration of pilgrimage as a ritual-expression of a people's ideals and aspirations within some of the major religions of the world (Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Shinto). Topics explored include the beliefs and symbols which motivate the promotion and sustaining of the pilgrimage process; the transformative and unitive elements of both individual and institutional forms of pilgrimage; and the significance of the places and objects pilgrims encounter during their journey. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 273. Indian Philosophy Cross-listed with PHIL 275. An introduction to the classical philosophical tradition of India. The primary emphasis is on reading and discussion of selected Hindu and Buddhist sources in English translation, though contemporary and comparative materials also may be included. In terms of the "fields" of Western philosophy, the major focus is on Indian approaches to metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, with secondary consideration of logic, linguistic philosophy, and aesthetics. Some prior work in either Western philosophy or South Asian religion is highly desirable. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, SpringA. Rambachan

RELG 276. Religious Autobiography in Comparative Perspective The course explores the lives of persons who have intensely pursued self-knowledge and the knowledge of God or ultimate reality. Through close attention to the insights offered by individual experience and by knowledge of dynamic religious traditions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, the course studies the personal quest for meaning and its debt to diverse ideas and beliefs. The course approaches religious autobiography as the product of a mutually creative interplay between religious tradition and the search for spiritual insight and sense of purpose. Authors include Augustine, Thoreau, Gandhi, M.L. King, Mernissi and Basho. 6 credits cr., HU, SpringS. Campagna-Pinto

RELG 300. Issues in the Study of Religion This seminar is designed to acquaint religion majors with some of the basic issues, methods, and problems in the field of religious studies. In fall the seminar is for seniors, in winter for juniors. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterR. Jackson

RELG 320. Conscience and Community: Challenges in Catholic Moral Theology How are contemporary Roman Catholics forming their consciences on disputed moral questions? How does a religious tradition accommodate diversity and change and also maintain unity and continuity? Such questions will inform this seminar, which will consider debates on violence (just war/pacifism), economic justice, feminism, authority and dissent, sexuality and reproduction, and ecology. Prerequisite: One course in ethics or Christianity, or consent of the instructor. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 321. Kierkegaard This seminar consists of reading in works by Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) that are concerned with his pseudonymity and indirect communication, i.e. his strategies and arguments that inform his depiction of the aesthetic, ethical, and religious spheres of human existence. Emphasis is placed on (a) ways of reading Kierkegaard, and (b) trying to grasp the Danish writer's significance for contemporary philosophy of religion, literary criticism, psychoanalysis, and Christian theology. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 322. Christian Feminist Theologies Cross-listed with WMST 322. Since the early 1970s feminist scholars have made important contributions to Christian theology, especially in the areas of biblical studies, systematic theology, and ethics. This seminar will investigate works by a diverse range of Catholic and Protestant thinkers who are influencing these theological disciplines and also contributing to wider movements for justice and ecology. Prerequisite: One course in Christianity, or Religion 224 or consent of instructor. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, FallA. Patrick

RELG 323. Religion, Reason and Romanticism This seminar examines the roots of the debate between the Enlightenment and Romanticism within Western religious thought. Seminal works by Mendelssohn, Lessing, Kant, Schleiermacher, Feuerbach, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche are read and analyzed against the background of modern Judaic and Protestant Christian thought in modern Germany (roughly between 1770-1870). Attention is given to the rational critique and defense of religion, to distinctively modern notions of religion, and to the rise of historical and anti-historical interpretations of religion. Prerequisites: One course in Religion or Judaism or Christianity, or one course in Philosophy. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 327. Genesis This course will address two central concerns through an in-depth study of the book of Genesis: hermeneutics--the problems and possibilities of textual interpretation, and theology--the ways in which religious communities and individuals reflect on the meaning of sacred events. This important biblical book raises an extraordinary range of issues, including cosmogony, the nature of humankind, faith, familial relationships, politics, sex and violence. Materials will be drawn from both classical and modern commentaries, including Bill Moyer's recent series on PBS. 6 credits cr., HU, SpringL. Newman

RELG 328. Contemporary Jewish Thought This seminar introduces students to contemporary (Post-World War II) Jewish theology. We will explore the creative and diverse ways in which modern Jewish thinkers have combined elements of modernity (e.g. the emphasis on autonomy and freedom) with traditional Jewish beliefs about God, revelation, and redemption. The course will include representative selections from rationalists and mystics, feminists, traditionalists and post-modernists. Prior study of religion and/or philosophy will be helpful. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 340. Gender, Sexuality and American Religion Cross-listed with WMST 339. By focusing on the lives and writings of selected Americans, this seminar attempts to locate and understand the intersections of gender, sexuality, and religion in the United States. How have various thinkers made sense of and reconciled their identities with traditional religion, especially when that identity may not be compatible with what they have been taught? What is at stake in this process? How is this process different for women and men, and for people from various racial/ethnic backgrounds? In addressing these questions, we will direct special attention to the debate on "nature" versus "social construction," and to individual agency versus social/historical determination. 6 credits cr., HU,RAD, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 341. American Religious Thought: Edwards, Emerson, and James Cross-listed with AMST 342. The seminar studies the thought of three major thinkers within the classical American tradition: Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and William James. The class approaches these figures in relation to their interpretations of the following topics: the nature and description of religious experience; the assessment of claims to religious truth; and the moral and aesthetic dimensions of religious thought. Overarching themes include the role of religious experience in the conception of the American experiment and the evolution of Protestant thought in America. 6 credits cr., HU, WinterS. Campagna-Pinto

RELG 355. Buddhist Ethics An inquiry into the nature of "the good," "the virtuous," and "the meritorious" in Buddhism. Drawing on both traditional texts and modern studies, we will examine Buddhist evocations of the ideal attainment, taxonomies of positive and negative mental states, descriptive and prescriptive theories of karma, expositions of proper monastic and lay conduct, and analyses of the complex relation between knowledge and action. Examples will be taken from four major Buddhist traditions: Theravada, Indian Mahayana, Tantra, and Zen. Study of classical views will be supplemented by explorations of the ways in which Buddhist ethics may be understood in relation to ethical theories developed in the West, and to such "contemporary" concerns as bio-ethics, the environment, nationalism, and gender and sexuality. 6 credits cr., HU, SpringR. Jackson

RELG 370. Mysticism Readings in Western and Eastern mystical and spiritual traditions. Some theoretical consideration of religious experiences will be examined, followed by an in-depth examination of first-hand accounts in the form of essays, journals, and autobiographies. 6 credits cr., HU, SpringP. Beckman

RELG 371. The Poetics of Enlightenment Study of selected Asian and Western poetical texts that are purported to express the experience of spiritual illumination. The major focus will be on understanding a range of poems both in their cultural settings and as exemplars of human spirituality. We also will consider Asian and Western theories of "religious poetics"; cross-cultural views of the relation among poetry, holiness and madness; philosophical discussions of the connection between silence and speech; and studies of the nature of metaphor. 6 credits cr., HU, Not offered in 2000-2001.

RELG 399. Senior Research Seminar This seminar will acquaint students with research tools in various fields of religious studies, provide an opportunity to present and discuss research work in progress, hone writing skills, and improve oral presentation techniques. Prerequisite: Religion 300 and acceptance of proposal for senior integrative exercise and instructor's permission. 6 credits cr., S/CR/NC, ND, WinterA. Patrick

RELG 400. Integrative Exercise 3 credits cr., S/NC, ND, Winter,SpringStaff