By the time they graduate, our students should be able to:

  1. Communicate effectively in French, orally and in writing.
  2. Interpret authentic works written in French using a variety of critical tools.
  3. Examine cultural and historical contexts and explore their relationship to cultural productions.
  4. Understand the appropriate use of secondary sources in their own work, both in support of their arguments and in contradisctinction to them.
  5. Acquire skills in research techniques and information resources.
  6. Bring an interdisciplinary approach to bear on objects of study.
  7. Engage in sophisticated written and oral argumentation concerning materials studied in class.
  8. Recognize and interrogate fundamental assumptions of the arguments made by scholars in the discipline.
  9. Learn to ask productive questions and solve problems concerning particular texts and other objects of study, both within the discipline and beyond.
  10. Develop intercultural competence that allows them to consider French and Francophone cultures as well as their own culture in a broader context.