Knight News: Carleton Sports News Mailing Lists
This page provides a simple interface to the sports news lists hosted on Carleton's mailing list service.
To subscribe to Carleton sports news mailing lists: Enter your name and email address below, and choose the lists you want to join. Click Subscribe.
To see which lists you're subscribed to: Ask Carleton's list server. The first time you use this link you'll be prompted to enter your email address and password. If you don't have a password, follow the instructions on the page and a password will be mailed to you. Once you've logged in, it may take a minute to bring up your list of subscriptions.
To unsubscribe from any of these lists: Follow the instructions above to see what lists you're subscribed to. Click on a list name, and then click the Unsubscribe button when the list page comes up. (You can also click on the list names below to get to the list pages, but you'll still have to log in to have the Unsubscribe option.)