Jan 31

Photosynthesis Natur Historie: Linda Rossi

Sun, January 31, 2021 • Gould Library, 4th Floor, East Wing

An exhibit of Portfolios by Professor of Art Linda Rossi.

'Photosynthesis was originally an exhibit designed for Valley Grove Chapel, which was built in 1862 by Norwegian farmers and is located in Nerstrand, Minnesota. For years I have investigated the flora and fauna of Rice County with an assortment of cameras and tools. I have been shooting throughout the seasons, during blizzards and lightning storms, and from morning through evening....

... This project grew out of the simple desire to observe and hopefully to gain a better understanding of my surroundings. From a microscopic look at water to a telescope focused on the moon, or a drone flying over Valley Grove, I wanted to see the “thing” or event more closely and from a different perspective. It became a kind of obsessive cataloging of the county’s 516 square miles. My small dip into the “backyard” is just a tiny revelation of the sheer breadth and complexity of the diversity of life.'

Professor Rossi will retire this year after 20 years teaching and mentoring Carleton students and alumni. To learn more about her work, visit her website

Event Contact: Zoe Adler

Event Summary

Photosynthesis Natur Historie: Linda Rossi
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff

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