Classroom and lab computers

What Computers are Available for Use in Your Classes?

ITS is dedicated to excellence in student computing, and our public computing facilities demonstrate this dedication. The facilities are configured specifically to support the uses of computers and networks within the curriculum. They are the facilities that support your in-class computer use as well as provide out-of-class access to your students.

Short Term Loaners & Other Portable Classroom Equipment

On those occasions when the neither the Computer Classrooms nor a technology enhanced classroom is available, or when you wish to use a portable computer and/or projector in any campus classroom, you may borrow the necessary equipment from PEPS.  Commonly requested items include equipment for use in classrooms without a computer setup. Note that  All technology-enhanced classrooms have connections for laptops to be hooked up to the internet and classroom projector.

For further information on this equipment, to reserve the equipment, and to learn how to use it, contact PEPS (x7070) or check out their website for laptops & projectors. You might also call the Helpdesk to see if they have loaner equipment (x5999).

Public Computing Labs

Carleton has a very rich student computing environment, featuring a large number of labs with highly functional computers, laser printing, campus network and Internet access. These labs support students' computer-based work outside of the classroom.

For more information, see this list of labs.