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LTC/Mellon—Owning Assessment: The Benefits of Combining Faculty Development and Assessment of Student Learning

By Jennifer Cox Johnson, Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching

Thursday, October 5, "Owning Assessment: The Benefits of Combining Faculty Development and Assessment of Student Learning"
Joe Harris, Director of Expository Writing, Duke University

Noon to 1:30 p.m., Alumni Guest House Meeting Room, lunch provided for 50
Co-sponsored by the College Writing Program, Perlman LTC, and Bush and Mellon Foundation Grants

Thursday, October 5, book discussion with author Joseph Harris: Rewriting
Headley House , 815 East Second Street
4:30 to 6 p.m., with refreshments

Co-ponsored by the College Writing Program, the Perlman LTC, and Mellon Faculty Life Cycles Grant

Looking ahead:

Wednesday, October 11, New book group forming:
Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World (2003), by Tracy Kidder

To join this book discussion, please e-mail Stephanie Ewing (, administrative assistant for CISMI. Books are free to all participants who sign up.

Thursday, October 12, "Imagining the Curriculum: A Full Contact Lunch"
Scott Bierman, Dean of the College

Noon to 1:30 p.m., Alumni Guest House Meeting Room, lunch provided for 50
Co-sponsored by Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC)

Visit the LTC Web site for up-to-date information on all of our events, book groups, workshops and more.