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Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching Events This Week

By Jennifer Cox Johnson, Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching

Since the fall of 2001, the Writing Portfolio has been providing a wealth of data about student writing at Carleton. Members of the Writing Across the Curriculum Advisory Board and Associate Dean Ciner will report on research findings that speak to student success, curriculum, teaching, and connections to other initiatives at Carleton.

“Learning from the Writing Portfolio: Assessment Yields Research”
Victoria Morse, Assistant Professor of History, Director of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Melinda Russell, Associate Professor of Music
Carol Rutz, Director of the College Writing Program, Lecturer in English
Kim Smith, Associate Professor of Political Science
Introduction by Elizabeth Ciner, Associate Dean of the College
Noon to 1:30 p.m., Alumni Guest House Meeting Room
Lunch provided for 50

“How is the Visual Ascendant? Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Visual”
Visuality Initiative Brown Bag Discussion, Spring 2007
Thursday, April 12, noon to 1 p.m., Sayles-Hill Lounge
Beverages and dessert provided

Talking Around a Term: VISUALIZATION
[1. To form a mental image of; envisage; 2. to make visible]

To launch this series of two informal discussions foregrounding visuality and the visual, bring your lunch, a willing ear, and eager tongue to find common ground, explore disciplinary differences, share methods, and ideas. Victoria Morse, moderator, will get the conversation moving through diverse disciplinary terrains with the help of Katie Sparling, Asian Languages and Literature; Bill North, History; Fernan Jaramillo, Biology; and Sarah Titus, Geology. How does "visualization" resonate in your discipline? your own work? teaching? All are welcome. (Laurel Bradley, co-chair, Visuality Working Group) A computer and projector will be available for sharing images.

Second brown bag discussion Tuesday, May 8, "Word and Image"

Co-sponsored by the Visuality Working Group and the Mellon Faculty Life Cycles Grant

Looking ahead:

Tuesday, April 17:
"Distinctive Pedagogies: Teaching Through Picture Writing"
Qiguang Zhao, Burton and Lily Levin Professor of Chinese

Join us for a demonstration of Professor Zhao’s technique of live illustration in the classroom. This will be the inaugural event in our new series on distinctive pedagogies.

Noon to 1 p.m., LDC 104 (note day, location, and that this event will end at 1 p.m.)
Lunch provided for 50

Spring Book Discussion Group

Thursday, April 19 and Tuesday, May 15
Randall Kennedy’s Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word

Facilitated by Harry Williams, David and Marian Adams Bryn-Jones Distinguished Teaching Professor of History and the Humanities, co-sponsored by the Mellon Faculty Life Cycles Grant

4:30 to 6 p.m. Headley House
Refreshments provided

If you are interested in reading the book and participating, please contact Jennifer Cox Johnson at the Perlman Center (; x4192).

See all Perlman LTC events for spring on the poster in your campus mail or our Web site.

NOTE: April 17 event is on TUESDAY (misprint on poster)
More posters available from the LTC by contacting Jennifer Cox Johnson.