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Common Reading Facilitators Sought

By Robin Hart Ruthenbeck, Campus Activities

This fall marks the 20th Common Reading Convocation and Discussion at Carleton. Since the program was first established, we have looked for stories rich in issues that could introduce students to what it means to study at a liberal arts college. The involvement of members from all levels of the Carleton community provides a sense of what it means to be a part of Carleton’s broader community. Students, faculty, staff, emeritus faculty, and even alumni share an experience in the reading and exploration of the selection. We welcome involvement from both new and more seasoned members of our community. This year’s selection is Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains. Read about it by clicking here.

On Thursday, September 6, the entering class and other members of the Carleton community will gather in the Chapel for a convocation, following which small groups will discuss the text. We hope you will join us.

For the discussion, faculty and/or staff facilitators will be paired with returning students to guide small groups of incoming students in a discussion of the book. Through this process, not only will students get to know one another better through the shared experience of exploring challenging issues, but they often have one of their first significant interactions with faculty and staff. This has proven to be a meaningful experience for all involved.

If you are interested in being a facilitator, please send an email to Be sure to include your name, department, and phone number. Books will be distributed to facilitators by June 6. A response by May 30 would be appreciated.