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Value and Judgment in Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print

Paul Crenshaw ’90, Washington University, St. Louis, will present "Value and Judgment in Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print"  Thursday, January 29 at 5 p.m. in Boliou 104 (handicapped accessible.) Nicknamed the Hundred Guilder Print because of its extraordinary esteem and monetary value, Rembrandt’s most famous print forms the focus of Prof. Crenshaw’s talk. He will place the etching within its 17th-century Dutch milieu. He also will situate it within the contexts of both early modern pictorial traditions of Christian healing and Biblical textual associations. The print’s starting point is the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 19, yet Rembrandt moves well beyond the Biblical text to visualize the varying responses to Christ’s healing message.