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Office Cleaning Changes

By Gloria Heinz, Facilities

In the next couple of months you will notice changes in your office cleaning schedule. Custodial services have been reduced by two FTE's as a result of the Voluntary Separation Program. In addition, Facilities will be absorbing cleaning responsibilities for Cassat and Memorial Halls with current staffing, which equates to another two FTE's. The impact to our custodial program is a reduction of service for office cleaning and non-public stairwells to once per week. This includes the removal of trash in offices.

Custodial Services will begin transitioning to reduced office cleaning on July 1 in the following buildings: Library, Willis, Scoville, Chapel, and Music and Drama. Please know that if your trash is full and needs to be emptied, additional bags are usually located underneath the existing bag. We will continue our regular office deep-cleaning this summer as usual. All other campus offices will be scheduled to change in July and a weekly office cleaning schedule will be provided as soon as it is available. Please contact Kirk Campbell at x4460 if you have any questions.