General Information

Student Health and Counseling provides services for students in the areas of primary physical care, individual and group counseling, and wellness education. Staff members are available to help students address issues including physical health, reproductive health, academic difficulties, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, drug and alcohol use, sexual assault/sexual harassment, eating disorders, family concerns, etc. Please refer students or encourage members of your department to refer students to Student Health and Counseling whenever you believe that a student could benefit from these services. All visits are free of charge and confidential. Student Health and Counseling staff are also available to you and members of your department for consultation about any student’s physical or mental health.


In the event of life-threatening emergencies, supervisory personnel should contact 9-911 for transportation to the emergency room at Northfield Hospital. In an urgent situation, Security Services or Student Health and Counseling staff are happy to consult with you or members of your department about the best course of action or how to facilitate a referral. In the event of a psychological emergency or concern about a student in your department during SHAC Office hours please contact a counselor (507-222-4080). The counselor may directly respond to a situation or consult with you or members of your department about how to handle a specific situation. For after-hours crisis counseling, students can contact an on-call counselor 24/7/365 by calling SHAC at 507-222-4080 and pressing 2 during the voicemail message, or by calling 855-705-2479.

NOTE: The primary physical health services within Student Health and Counseling are not equipped to respond to chemical burns or most other laboratory-based accidents.

Student Health and Counseling is open for appointments and consultation Monday-Friday 8 AM – 5 PM and until 7 p.m. on Monday evenings.

See the Student Health and Counseling website for more information.