FAQ and Other Tips and Tricks

This page is home to our Frequently Asked Questions, where you can find information on all sorts of things, from useful info about using Moodle and Google Docs to how to give someone access to course materials.  If you have any questions you would like to see us add answers to, please email us.

Since we have many questions answered here, we recommend that you either search by entering a keyword or by choosing a category. You may choose to add a focus (second category) to narrow your search.

For more in-depth Moodle FAQs, check out the wiki.

How do I add a scheduler?

1. Click the Turn editing on button

Turn Editing on 

2. Click on the Add activity or Resource button

adding activity or resource


3. Find the Scheduler option and click the circle next to it then click Add

Acitivies and resources overall


4. Here, I have boxed the essential sections for you to check and think about. Most settings will have a gray question mark MoodleMoreInformationIconnext to the name that you can click for a description of that setting.




4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display to add time slots

save that scheduele


5. Click the Add slots link under the title of your scheduler. You will be presented with Add repeated slots or Add single slot. Click Add repeated slots to add multiple slots

Add scheduler slots


6. In this page you can edit the days and dates you want time slots for, email notifications, number of students that can sign up for a slot, etc.

If you are only adding slots for only one day and do not click Enable next to Repeat Time Slot Until, double check that Date corresponds to the day of the week you selected for Add appointments on, otherwise the slots will not be added.

Add recurring slots

  • raphz

Other FAQs