FAQ and Other Tips and Tricks

This page is home to our Frequently Asked Questions, where you can find information on all sorts of things, from useful info about using Moodle and Google Docs to how to give someone access to course materials.  If you have any questions you would like to see us add answers to, please email us.

Since we have many questions answered here, we recommend that you either search by entering a keyword or by choosing a category. You may choose to add a focus (second category) to narrow your search.

For more in-depth Moodle FAQs, check out the wiki.

Top Questions for Students

Q: Why can't I see my courses for this term?

A: Starting Fall '15, all courses start hidden until the professor manually chooses to show them. If none of your courses for this term are shown, you will not even see the category for this term in the dropdown list on your front page.


Q: How do I return to the front page or course page when I am in an activity?

A: There is a navigation bar directly under the course name at the top of the page. This will show the path to your current position. To return to your front page, click either My home or My courses. To return to the current course, click the name of the course in the navigation bar (ex. Atomic and Nuclear Physics). Do not click any links between My courses and the name of the course (ex. 2015-16, Fall '15) since these pages don't have anything you need. 

Moodle Navigation 


Q: How do I submit an assignment?

A: Click on the assignment link on the course site page. At the bottom of the assignment page, click the button that says Add submission. There will be either a file upload area or a text box. When you have uploaded the file or typed your response, click the blue Save changes button.


Q: How do I submit a forum post?

A: This will depend on how your professor sets up the forum. Most times you will either make your own post or reply to the professor's post.

  1. If you are supposed to create your own discussion posts, click Add a new discussion topic under the forum name and description. This will bring you to a page with a text box, in which you can type your post. A Subject and Message will be necessary to submit the post. Also take note of the checkbox under the Message text box, labeled Discussion subscription. When this is on, you will get email notifications of new posts. If you don not want to receive emails, uncheck this box now. Then click the blue Post to forum button at the bottom of the page.
  2. If your professor has already created a discussion topic and expects you to reply to that topic, first click on the discussion title. In order to reply to the professor's post, click the blue Reply link in the bottom right corner of their post. If you are expected to reply to another student's reply, click the Reply link on that message. Then follow the same steps as listed above to submit the post.


Q: How do I take a quiz?

A: First, click on the quiz link on the course site page. If you haven't taken the quiz before, this will take you to a page with a button that says Attempt quiz now.

When you have answered all the questions, you will be taken to a page that lists the status of all questions. Double check that none of the questions are incomplete, then click Submit all and finish.

Depending on how your professor has set up the quiz, this may take you to a review page. You do not need to do anything on this page, so you may click out of it or click the Finish review link at the bottom of the page to return to the quiz main page.

The quiz main page will now have a list of your previous attempts, and if multiple attempts are allowed for this quiz, it will have a button that says Re-attempt quiz. If you did not like your previous score, you may now try the quiz again.


Other FAQs