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Rethinking Expanded Cinema

February 3, 2004 at 12:00 pm

Tuesday, February 3

Elizabeth W. Kotz

Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature

University of Minnesota

Carol Donelan, Assistant Professor of Media Studies, explains, “What Liz is ‘rethinking’ is the notion of ‘expanded cinema’ as articulated by Gene Youngblood in his book Expanded Cinema (1971), copies of which are available here: This was an enormously influential book in film studies and art history.

‘Expanded cinema’ refers to film productions that employ the use of technological innovations such as the laser, holography, synthesized sound and computers. These films have broadened the horizons of production beyond the normal idiom, i.e. lights, camera, action.

‘Expanded cinema’ also refers to any productions that activate, in addition to sight and hearing, the senses of smell, taste, and touch.”

Cosponsored by the Bush Foundation

Videotape of this presentation available from the LTC, Willis 207.