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Faculty Grant Writing: Tips for Writing NSF Grants

May 6, 2004 at 4:30 pm

Thursday, May 6, 4:30-6:00 pm

LTC/Mellon: Faculty Grant Writing Workshop:

Tips for Writing NSF Grants

Do you wonder how to get started on a grant application and what major points should be considered? Do you have a good idea for a project, but wonder if it "fits" in any NSF program? Would you like to understand more about how grants are reviewed and what role program officers play at the National Science Foundation? Or are you simply interested in learning more about federal funding for projects in natural science, social science and education? If so, review this presentation.

Workshop facilitators were:

Hal Arkes ’67, Professor of Psychology and Interim Director of the Center for Health Outcomes, Policy and Evaluation Studies (HOPES), Ohio State University; former program officer, NSF Program in Decision, Risk, Management Science, Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences.

Susan Singer, Professor of Biology; former National Science Foundation Program Director, Developmental Mechanisms, Biology Directorate.

videotape of the presentation is available from the LTC, Willis 204