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Greater Expectations

January 13, 2005 at 12:00 pm

Greater Expectations: Intentional Learning Goals and the Carleton Curriculum

Thursday, January 13, part of the College Curriculum Discussion Series, with Nelson Christensen, Clara Hardy, and Carolyn Sanford. Noon-1:30 pm, Alumni Guest House meeting room. (

Executive Summary by Drew Dara-Abrams '05

Speakers described various efforts underway as part of the curriculum review. Savina framed the discussion in terms of “Greater Expectations: The Commitment to Quality as a Nation Goes to College,” a report issued by the Associated of American College and Universities (available on-line). In particular, Savina highlighted similarities and differences among goals identified by the report, suggestions from Dean Boardman in his recent memo, and the academic learning goals identified by the ECC. Relevant documents are available on the curriculum review page underneath the LTC Web site. Hardy described the ongoing effects of the 21st Century Committee Report on curriculum change, and Christensen spoke of more recent efforts by the ECC. Sanford described the Mellon Information Literacy Grant, an effort led by the library.

Informal second session: Greater Expectations: Intentional Learning Goals and the Carleton Curriculum
This second session allowed people to continue Thursday’s discussion in an informal setting on Friday, January 14, at Headley House, 4:30-6:00 pm, with light refreshments provided by the Dean of the College.