Course Details

ENTS 289: Climate Change and Human Health

This course will offer a survey of the relationship between climate change and human health. The course will begin by developing an understanding of climate science, and then turn to explore a series of topics that illuminate the intimate relationship between climate change and human health. Topics that will receive sustained attention include short-lived climate forcers and the climate and health impact of mitigation measures, extreme heat/drought, mosquito-borne diseases, indoor air pollution/biomass combustion/cookstoves, and biodiversity conservation. The class will provide opportunities for students to engage in hands-on projects to help them better understand the topics covered in class. Prerequisite: One introductory course in Biology 125 or 126, Chemistry 123 or 128, any 100-level Geology, or Physics (two five-week courses or one ten week course from 131-165)
6 credits; SI, QRE; Offered Spring 2018; D. Gross