Course Details

FREN 352: The Arthurian Legend

This course will familiarize students with the legends surrounding King Arthur and the other central figures of Camelot and the Round Table in the context of French and Francophone culture. Students will survey the development of the Arthurian legend from the twelfth century to its most modern adaptations, through multiple genres and media (medieval romance, novel, poetry, film, bande-dessinée, clips, etc.). Together, we will see how the Arthurian legend was --and still is--a persisting landscape for capturing the ideals and assumptions of its time. We will discuss topics like the characterizations, gender representations and performances of central figures (like Merlin, Lancelot and Guenevere), the semiotic implications of each text, and the political aspects they may reveal. Prerequisite: One French course beyond French 204 or instructor permission
6 credits; LA, IS; Not offered 2020-2021