Course Details

BIOL 126: Energy Flow in Biological Systems and Lab

Emphasizes the role of energy flow (acquiring, storing, and using energy) in biological systems. Under this theme, we cover subjects from the molecular to the population levels of organization, including structure/function of proteins and enzymes, transport of molecules within biological systems, and links between organismal physiology and ecosystem function. The active learning format of this course allows time in class to apply new concepts with faculty present. Students enter Carleton from a wide variety of academic experiences and our introductory courses are designed to provide a level playing field for students regardless of previous science background. Prerequisite: Chemistry 123 or 128
6 credits; LS, QRE; Offered Winter 2024, Spring 2024; M. Rand, R. Mitra, J. Berini, D. Hougen-Eitzman, M. Nishizaki, R. Sung, L. Winton