Course Details

PE 290: Sport and Globalization in London and Seville Program: Directed Reading and Volunteer Coaching Project

Prior to departure students will read selected works that highlight the sporting and cultural history of Great Britain and Spain. Understanding of these readings will be evaluated through discussion and written work in London and Seville. Students will also complete two short projects to prepare for observing, coaching, and examining sport abroad.
2 credits; S/CR/NC; NE; Offered Winter 2024; B. Carlson

PE 290: Volleyball Club, Men

Active participation in club volleyball practices throughout the term, as well as before or beyond this term is expected. While the club is open to players of all skill/experience levels, our focus in the Winter is largely on preparation for our competitive tournaments. In order to earn PE credit for participating in Men's Volleyball, a student must be eligible for or actually participate in competition. The league we compete in is the NIVC, Men’s Volleyball league.
Offered Spring 2024; A. Chaput