ENROLL Course Search

NOTE: There are some inconsistencies in the course listing data - ITS is looking into the cause.

Alternatives: For requirement lists, please refer to the current catalog. For up-to-the-minute enrollment information, use the "Search for Classes" option in The Hub. If you have any other questions, please email registrar@carleton.edu.

NOTE: Course Section Search in ENROLL will be discontinued starting May 1st. Course Search will continue to work on the Academic Catalog and in Workday.
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Your search for courses for 17/FA found 2 courses.

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FREN 101.01 Elementary French 6 credits

Open: Size: 16, Registered: 15, Waitlist: 0

Language & Dining Center 335 / Language & Dining Center 302

Synonym: 48340

Sandra Rousseau

This course introduces the basic structures of the French language and everyday vocabulary in the context of common cultural situations. Students are exposed to all four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Taught five days a week in French.

Prerequisite: None. Placement score for students with previous experience in French

FREN 350.00 Middle East and French Connection 6 credits

Open: Size: 25, Registered: 17, Waitlist: 0

Laird 212

Synonym: 49342

Sandra Rousseau

PersepolisSyngue SabourLe rocher de Tanios—three prize-wining texts written in French by authors whose native tongue was not French but Arabic or Farsi. In this class we will direct our attention to the close—albeit problematic—relations between France and the Middle East (broadly considered) through an analysis of cultural and literary objects. What has this “French connection” meant for the Middle-Eastern and for French culture?

Prerequisite: One French course beyond French 204 or instructor permission

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This data updates hourly. For up-to-the-minute enrollment information, use the Search for Classes option in The Hub

Instructional Mode
Class Period
Courses or labs meeting at non-standard times may not appear when searching by class period.
You must take 6 credits of each of these.
You must take 6 credits of each of these,
except Quantitative Reasoning, which requires 3 courses.
Special Interests