ENROLL Course Search

NOTE: There are some inconsistencies in the course listing data - ITS is looking into the cause.

Alternatives: For requirement lists, please refer to the current catalog. For up-to-the-minute enrollment information, use the "Search for Classes" option in The Hub. If you have any other questions, please email registrar@carleton.edu.

NOTE: Course Section Search in ENROLL will be discontinued starting May 1st. Course Search will continue to work on the Academic Catalog and in Workday.
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Your search for courses for 20/FA and in WCC M104 found 6 courses.

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MATH 342.00 Abstract Algebra I 6 credits

Open: Size: 28, Registered: 26, Waitlist: 0

Weitz Center M104

Synonym: 58649

Eric Egge

Introduction to algebraic structures, including groups, rings, and fields. Homomorphisms and quotient structures, polynomials, unique factorization. Other topics may include applications such as Burnside's counting theorem, symmetry groups, polynomial equations, or geometric constructions.

Prerequisite: Mathematics 236 or instructor permission

MUSC 187.00 Carleton Orchestra 1 credit, S/CR/NC only

Open: Size: 100, Registered: 32, Waitlist: 0

Weitz Center M126 / Weitz Center M215 / Weitz Center M104


Requirements Met:

Other Tags:

Synonym: 57675

Hector Valdivia

The Carleton Orchestra performs large symphonic masterpieces, such as Beethoven, Stravinsky and Bernstein. Concerti with students and faculty soloists, and smaller works for string and wind ensembles are also performed. Occasional sight-reading sessions. Admission by audition.

MUSC 190.00 Carleton Jazz Ensemble 1 credit, S/CR/NC only

Open: Size: 50, Registered: 23, Waitlist: 0

Weitz Center TENT-E / Weitz Center M126 / Weitz Center M104


Requirements Met:

Other Tags:

Synonym: 57678

Laura Caviani

The Carleton Jazz Ensemble's focus is on improvisation and the fusion between jazz, rock, funk, and Latin influences. There is no predetermined instrumentation. Rather, the ensemble's size and instrumentation vary each term. String players, vocalists, and any brass or woodwind instrumentalists are welcome to register. The ensemble performs once each term.

Prerequisite: Admission by audition

Admission by audition.

MUSC 196.00 Jazz Workshop 1 credit, S/CR/NC only

Open: Size: 30, Registered: 6, Waitlist: 0

Weitz Center M126 / Weitz Center M104 / Weitz Center TENT-E


Requirements Met:

Synonym: 58038

Laura Caviani

This class focuses on the theory and practice of jazz improvisation. Students will develop their improvisational skills by learning and applying various scales, modes, and chord structures to lab performances of standard jazz repertoire on their respective instruments.

Prerequisite: Ability to read music and facility on an instrument/voice: performing knowledge of major scales: or instructor permission

Instructor Permission Required

PE 334.00 Beyond Happy: Mindfulness Practices and the Science of Well-being 3 credits, S/CR/NC only

Closed: Size: 12, Registered: 12, Waitlist: 0

Weitz Center M104

Synonym: 59435

Janet Lewis Muth, Betsy R Lane-Getaz

This course explores the science of well-being, with specific emphasis on related skill development.  Topics covered include neuroplasticity, learned optimism, gratitude, flow, character strengths, meaning, positivity resonance,  positive relationships and love. Students will practice strategies such as  becoming aware of the present, use of breath, working with thoughts, strengthening focus, labeling and working with emotions, lovingkindness meditation, cultivating positive emotions and reducing time spent worrying about the future or fretting about the past.

PSYC 263.00 Sleep and Dreaming 6 credits

Closed: Size: 25, Registered: 28, Waitlist: 0

Weitz Center M104


Requirements Met:

Synonym: 58325

Lawrence Wichlinski

This course will examine recent experimental findings and current perspectives on sleep, dreaming, sleep disorders, and states of consciousness.

Prerequisite: Psychology 110

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This data updates hourly. For up-to-the-minute enrollment information, use the Search for Classes option in The Hub

Instructional Mode
Class Period
Courses or labs meeting at non-standard times may not appear when searching by class period.
You must take 6 credits of each of these.
You must take 6 credits of each of these,
except Quantitative Reasoning, which requires 3 courses.
Special Interests