
Emergency management is handled by a number of departments. Environmental Health and Safety maintains guidelines, consultation, and support for building emergencies. Security Services (x4444) oversees the bulk of the Emergency Information.

Fire Safety

Radiation Safety

Academic departments using hazardous chemicals must have a chemical hygiene plan and provide appropriate training, respective to department-specific plans, for all employees and students who work with those materials; direct any questions to the Chemical Hygiene and Radiation Safety Officer (CH/RSO).

Non-academic departments should work with Elisabeth Haase, Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Manager (x4146), or Joe Udelhofen, Environmental Health and Safety Specialist and Training Coordinator (x6826), to ensure that their chemical use plans are applicable and complete.

Chemical Management

EHS and CH/RSO establish health and safety policies and protocols that are adopted by the college in order to assure that all workspaces and teaching areas comply with regulatory chemical use guidelines.