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The House that Dacie Built

February 11, 2008 at 3:04 pm
By Janae Walton-Green

Dacie Moses is home to the Carleton Singing Knights and fresh baked cookies. Located near Reynolds House and Asia House, this home stands out from the bunch as being the oldest on the block. For years, Dacie Moses, a longtime Carleton staff member, opened her home (and her kitchen) to Carleton students. Upon her death, she gave her home to the College to be used as a respite for students. There are numerous activities hosted by Dacie Moses ranging from philosophical discussion nights to Sunday morning brunches. Dacie Moses House is popularly known for all the cookie baking that occurs under its roof. The kitchen is 24/7 for students to bake as many cookies as they please. The only requirement is that you leave the extra cookies for the next visitors!