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Alistair Sloan

November 26, 2008 at 8:50 pm
By Margaret Taylor '10

“Alistair Sloan,” the long-awaited medieval Western by Alexander Cooney ‘11 has finally come to Carleton.  It had an extremely popular debut, so much so that the room in Scoville where it was screened was standing-room-only and the filmmakers had to show the movie twice.  For those of you who missed the article about it earlier in the term, “Alistair Sloan” is an entirely student-produced film about an ex-Crusader who’s coming to terms with life back home in England.  The film was shot in the Arb back when there was still green vegetation there and edited and polished all around the students’ busy homework schedules.

The final product was about twenty minutes long.  The Sloan team had put up a big movie poster depicting Alistair with his sword slung over his shoulder on the wall; and the actors were inside jammed in with the rest of us to see the show.  Cooney and his team also had a table up to sell special DVD-bound copies.

Does this all sound like fun?  The Carleton film community is always looking for new students with creative talents.  If you’re interested, contact tatgean.