A Normal Page, with formatting

This is a normal Reason page. By default, Reason pages have a navigational area on the left, a content area in the middle with the title of the page above the content. Any images or assets associated with the page show up in a column on the right side of the page.


The text above is a headline. To identify a line as a headline, click somewhere in the line when editing the page, and click on the "H", or Headline button. This will make the entire line a headline. To make the line a normal paragraph, click on the "H" button again.

This text is bold, and this is italic. These controls work in a very similar way to those in a text processor.

By default, paragraphs have space between them. You only need to hit return or Enter once to start a new paragraph. If you want to create a new line without starting a new paragraph,
like this,
click on the "Single line-break" button (or press Shift+Enter).

If you want to put a divider on the page, you can use the "Horizontal Rule" button, which looks like a thin horizontal line. Clicking on this button will add a rule, which looks like this:

Please note that often you can make your pages easier for site visitors to scan by using headlines rather than horizontal rules, since a headline actually tells the visitor what the difference is between the sections of the page.

If you want to align a paragraph to the center or right, click on the appropriate alignment icons. Please note that text that is aligned to the center or right is harder to read for your site visitors than text that is aligned to the left, so please use this feature sparingly.

  1. If you want to ceate a numbered or bulleted list, select the text that you want to appear in such a list, and click on the numbered to bulleted list icons.
  2. You can manage your lists using the "Indent text" and "Outdent text" buttons, which will alow you to structure your lists,
    • Like this.
  3. And like this.