Program Directors: Silvia L. López and Al Montero



Fall Term 2011: LTAM 370 (6 credits);

pre-requisite LTAM 200

This course will focus in depth on political and historical patterns of Brazil’s economic, social, and cultural development from colonial times to its current democracy. The Brazil case study offers a wealth of lessons concerning the contradictions and possibilities of economic, social, and cultural development in the world today. We will explore these lessons through literature, music, architecture, and the arts as they speak to the perils of the country’s insertion into global capitalism and to its political history which reflects the difficulties of creating and deepening democracy and building centers of political authority in the context of growing social inequalities and industrialization.

Winter Break 2011/Winter Term 2012: LTAM 371 (6 credits);

pre-requisite LTAM 370

Research on-site in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Brasilia, November 26-December 7.

Writing and presentation of research projects during winter term