Academic Regulations & Procedures


Students are expected to complete all course work by the end of a term. When this is not possible as a result of illness or circumstances beyond the student’s control, they may request an extension (EX1, EX3, EXT). The College distinguishes between two types of extensions – personal and academic. Only in the most unusual circumstances can an extension – either personal or academic – be granted in applied music and PEAR courses. Generally, third term seniors are not eligible for extensions.

Personal Extensions (EX1, EX3)

Personal extensions for coursework associated with the end of the term are appropriate for students coping with illness or other circumstances beyond their control. Students requesting a personal extension should contact their Class Dean, who will review their request and confer with the instructor and other appropriate parties (health and counseling staff, etc.). All extension requests must be submitted before the end of the last exam in the official examination schedule.

The due date for completed work will be set based on the type of extension that is granted; students will receive either an EX1 for a one-week extension or an EX3 for a three-week extension measured from the end of the term (that is, the end of the official examination schedule).

Additional Extension of Personal Extension Deadline

Under exceptional circumstances, a student may request additional time to complete their extension. Any request for an additional extension beyond the original EX1 or EX3 timeline must be made in writing for review by the Academic Standing Subcommittee. The request must be made in writing before the end of the extension that was originally granted. The request must provide the reason for the additional extension along with any additional materials (e.g., medical documentation). Input from the instructor is also required. Extensions of the deadline will only be granted in cases where circumstances are compelling and beyond the control of the student. Deadlines will be determined on a case-by-case basis and should not extend more than 4 weeks from the original extension deadline.

Grading of Coursework Granted an EX1 or EX3

In response to an extension approval, the instructor will be asked to provide the grade that the student would earn, based on the work completed, when student grades are due. At the end of the extension period, if the student has submitted some or all of the work covered by the extension, the instructor will recalculate the course grade to reflect the full or partial completion of the work. The Registrar will notify the instructor of the deadline for submitting the final grade; the instructor must submit the grade by this deadline. If none of the coursework associated with the extension is submitted by the revised deadline, the student will receive the course grade the instructor calculated at the time the original extension was approved. This grade will also be recorded on the transcript if the instructor does not report an updated grade to the Registrar’s Office by the extension’s grading deadline. A student who receives a non-passing grade as a result of not completing all or some of the extended work should refer to the College’s policy on retaking courses.

Academic EXTs

Academic extensions (EXT) are appropriate when something nonpersonal interferes with a student’s ability to complete work: the kiln blows up; the rats die; the promised research materials arrive late. “Normal” computer failures are not covered by this policy; it is expected that students will back up their files.

Only rarely will EXTs be granted for academic reasons. If a student or faculty member wishes to request an EXT on academic grounds, the instructor should submit the written request for approval to the Associate Provost, explaining the circumstances in full.

The due date for completed work will be set at the time the extension is granted, but in no case will it be later than the end of the second week of the following term. The instructor, the Associate Provost, and the student must agree in writing on the due date. The instructor must submit a final grade for the course by the end of the third week of the following term.

Last Revised: February 22, 2023

For: Faculty, Students

Last Reviewed: February 23, 2023

Maintained by: Office of the Provost