Political pundit Sally Kohn to present Carleton convocation

February 1, 2019

Columnist and popular political pundit Sally Kohn will present Carleton’s weekly convocation address on Friday, Feb. 8 from 10:50 to 11:50 a.m. in the Skinner Memorial Chapel. In a talk entitled, “What We Can Do About the Culture of Hate: Repairing Our Humanity,” Kohn hopes to inspire others to seek common ground between political foes by focusing on the compassion and humanity in everyone.

Carleton convocations are free and open to the public. They are recorded and archived for online viewing here.

At a time when the world is facing an epidemic of incivility and hate —with divisive political speech, online trolling, and hate crimes escalating—Kohn tries to uncover why we hate and how we can stop it.

Known for her unique ability to make topics perceived as “taboo” light and entertaining, Kohn is considered one of the leading progressive voices in America today. Aiming to bridge intractable political differences, she hopes to teach people how to talk civilly with each other in spite of their clashing opinions.

Previously a Fox News contributor, Kohn is a columnist and CNN political commentator and a frequent guest on MSNBC. She has written for The Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Magazine, Cosmopolitan, The Daily Beast, and Time magazine.

Kohn is also the author of “The Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to Repairing Our Humanity” (Algonquin Books, 2018), designed to help find common ground across the political spectrum. Ms. Magazine calls the book, “A holistic guide toward building a world where we are all greater than fear and more powerful than anger.”

Kohn is a former senior campaign strategist with the Center for Community Change, a group that helps to organize movements of change in low-income areas across the United States. She has also served as a distinguished Vaid Fellow at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute and as executive director of the Third Wave Foundation, a leading young women’s organization.

This event is sponsored by Carleton College Convocations. For more information, including disability accommodations, call (507) 222-4308. The Skinner Memorial Chapel is located at First and College Streets in Northfield.