Carleton athletics mentioned in Denver Post and Boston Globe

The Denver Post and the Boston Globe both ran stories in December about college athletics that mentioned Carleton. The December 29 Globe article, titled” Pace setters for graduating college athletes,” mentioned Carleton as one of few colleges that has a graduation rate of 80 percent or more for athletes. The December 31 commentary in the Post, titled “Let college sports go pro,” assured readers that both students and sports thrive at schools without athletic scholarships, including Carleton.

15 December 2004 Posted In:

The Denver Post and the Boston Globe both ran stories in December about college athletics that mentioned Carleton. The December 29 Globe article, titled” Pace setters for graduating college athletes,” mentioned Carleton as one of few colleges that has a graduation rate of 80 percent or more for athletes. The December 31 commentary in the Post, titled “Let college sports go pro,” assured readers that both students and sports thrive at schools without athletic scholarships, including Carleton.