
The Division of Student Life’s assessment team will lead the division in its commitment to creating and cultivating a culture of assessment.

The assessment team will:

  • Streamline divisional assessments by identifying opportunities for collaborative efforts
  • Identify opportunities to share data results with relevant departments
  • Diversify assessment methods
  • Increase staff professional competency regarding assessment
  • Report regularly to the Division of Student Life on ongoing progress

Team Members

Assessment Team
  • Sindy Fleming, Dean of Students Office, Chair
  • Chad Ellsworth, Career Center
  • Renee Faulkner, Office of Intercultural Life
  • Rachel Morrison, Student Health and Counseling Center
  • Maggie Prunty, Student Health and Counseling Center
  • Sam Thayer, Office of Accessibility Resources
  • Erik Warren, Academic Support Center

Flossy the turtle

Flossy’s Origin Story

In considering the many challenges, reservations, and misconceptions related to building a culture driven by assessment the assessment team kicked around many ideas and approaches related to how to ‘de-mystify’ this newfound divisional charge.  After much discussion, the group came to the consensus that many in the division may take a ‘turtle shell approach’ meaning departments, etc. may shy away when approached about their assessment efforts.

Related, one team member discussed how they read an article in grad school related to assessment and how to view it as going to the dentist.  Dentist visits are one thing that many people dread, put off, or downright avoid it all together.  Sometimes when people do visit the dentist they may brush their teeth a few extra times that day, floss when they do not otherwise do so, or employ other tactics to ‘fool’ their dentist.  However, a good dentist will be able to distinguish between these last-minute efforts rather than sustained care much in the same way good assessment is based on intentional long-term attention rather than rushed effort to document outcome after the fact or in preparation for a visit (institution reviews, program evaluations, etc.) 

Hence being the awesome bunch the assessment team made the connection that building a culture of assessment is much like a flossing turtle!! A flossing turtle demonstrates the confidence and sustained intentional efforts of assessment programs, outcomes, and learning as they are proud and happy to show off their bright shiny teeth (outcomes) to whoever may want to view them!