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Northfield and county-level data on health can be found from a wide-range of sources including state and nationwide databases. Data is available on the tracking of diseases and other health problems as well as about hospital use and health care costs.

The following sites will be helpful in your exploration of local health statistics:

Minnesota Department of Health: Health Data and Statistics

The Minnesota Department of Health is a gateway to a huge amount of health data. They provide County Health Tables and County Health Profiles such as their Rice County Profile

They also provide statistics on cancer, STI, heart disease, immunization reports (see their index at

MDH also provides statistics on substance abuse. Additional data is available from the organization Substance Abuse in Minnesota

For a further list of health statistics available click here.

Economics of Health Care

The Minnesota Department Health although provides data related to health care cost through their Health Care Cost Information System and their Health Economics Program.

The Health Care Cost Information System provides access to Standard Hospital Reports, which include admissions, patient days and costs for local hospitals as well as Hospital Data, which includes all data submitted by hospitals to the HCCIS. The Health Economics Program provides access to data such as community health benefit of hospitals and hospital patient origin.

For a further list of data available related to the economics of health care, click here.

Child and Adolescent Health

Information on various aspects of child and adolescent health is available from the Minnesota Department of Administration through its Children’s Report Card: Well Being, which includes data on abuse rates, infant mortality rates, low birth weight, substance use among teenagers, and mental health among children and adolescents.

Additional information is available from the Minnesota Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Prevention and Parenting. They provide adolescent sexual health reports by county and teen pregnancy and birth rates.