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Posts tagged with “Student Life” (All posts)

  • Frog Eyes

    Not Just Another Day In May

    May 17, 2006 at 11:35 pm

    What kind of flowers do those April showers bring? This May, campus life has blossomed with an array of activities and events that appeal to every type of Carl--advertised by posters that are works of art in themselves.

    Just one problem remains. With posters like these displayed around every corner, how do you decide what to do on a Friday night?

    Click for a gallery of May event posters.

  • Shutterworks: Spring Concert 2006

    May 10, 2006 at 11:33 am

    Aviators View

    Taking it all in like the very first time.

    Click here to see more photos.

  • Sam Benshoof '09

    Who Can Take The Weekend And Sprinkle It With Hate?

    May 6, 2006 at 5:16 pm

    by Sam Benshoof ‘09

    It was a warm and sunny night on 7th Watson. Midterms were finished, and the news was on the television. I wasn’t paying much attention, until the forecast for the weekend cam on. I almost choked on whatever it was that I was eating at the time—the weatherman, with a jeering expression, was gleefully jumping from day to day on his green screen, pointing out that each day was going to be colder than the last. Colder! After Thursday afternoon had been with 100 percent chance of sun, with a 75 percent chance of Frisbee, and 50 percent chance of bocce ball? I refused to believe it.

    Until Friday morning came, and it didn’t take me long to realize that the weatherman had been right. The drizzle, rain and cold, which continued all the way until Monday, our one day of break during the term, seemed almost spiteful, as if the weatherman, after a bad day at work, decided to take his anger out on a bunch of college kids who just wanted to enjoy a three-day weekend. But what could I, a simple freshman, do against the powers of a weatherman? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


  • Confronting Katrina Panel

    The Sound of a Tragedy

    May 5, 2006 at 4:02 pm

    Periscope Radio's Coverage of the Hurricane Katrina Symposium

    "This is the sound of rain. More specifically, it's the sound of the costliest hurricane in US history, and one of the most deadly. This is the sound of the storm that flooded a city and killed at least 1,600 people. This is Hurricane Katrina, coming down on Jackson, Mississippi, some 200 miles away from the center of the storm down on the Gulf Coast. And it sounds well, just like rain, doesn't it? It's a hard cry from what 160mph winds reported in the city must've sounded like. But even if we could listen to the hurricane as it hit New Orleans, what exactly would we hear? It might be the sound of a natural disaster; but would it be the sound of a tragedy? That, more than this?..."

    So begins the audio piece produced by Terin Mayer '08 covering the Hurricane Katrina Symposium. On March 31, 2006, Carleton cancelled classes to host a day of reflection about Hurricane Katrina and it's aftermath. The symposium included visiting lecturers, students, professors, and assorted members of the campus community. KRLX's Periscope Radio produced an audio-documentary to capture the very best of the event.

    Click here to listen (MP3) and view photos from the event.

  • Schiller

    The Hunt for Schiller

    May 4, 2006 at 11:01 am

    The struggle to capture and keep a plaster bust of the poet Schiller is one of Carleton's oldest, fondest, and some would say oddest traditions. Now Schiller, seemingly AWOL since Halloween 2005, has staged a triumphant return--via a Web site that invites all clever Carls to compete in a battle of wits with Schiller as the ultimate prize.

    "Know thine campus well," advises, "as the very clues that will lead you to Schiller are all around you. The task at hand will be formidable and competition stiff. Only the most virtuous Carls will satisfy their craving for Schiller."

    Join the hunt for Schiller.

  • Soaking up the sun

    Five Signs of Spring at Carleton

    April 22, 2006 at 4:29 pm

    1. Tepee Time

    When the cold steel posts for the Bald Spot rink are taken down, the tepee goes up. Sitting dandy between Boliou and Olin, the tepee is a spot to sit and chat or hang out in after parties.

    View the rest of the list and Spring photos.

  • Robotics Team member Adam Steege '08 preps a robot to extinguish a flame.

    Robot Gets Trial by Fire

    April 22, 2006 at 2:16 pm

    The Carleton Robotics Team recently attended an International Firefighting Robotics Competition at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Of the club's three student-designed robots, the one sent to the competition placed tenth out of 43.

    The competition guidelines required each preprogrammed robot to travel through a maze, then find and extinguish a lit candle. The Carleton team developed a left-wall-following program to navigate through the set-up and opted for a blow-dryer head to put out the flame.

    Full article and photos...

  • Rika Anderson '06

    Coleman Gets a Bear

    April 21, 2006 at 1:54 pm

    This week SOPE (Student Organization for the Protection of the Environment) unveiled a one-of-a-kind papier mâchè polar bear during tabling hours in Sayles.

    Students were encouraged to sign the bear along with a petition in support of the Climate Stewardship Act, a bipartisan solution to the dangers of global warming. The bear will be en route to U.S. Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) this weekend.


  • Grand Theater

    Carleton Seniors Produce Documentary on Grand Theater

    April 3, 2006 at 10:58 am

    Two Carleton seniors have produced a documentary on Northfield’s The Grand Theater, which will be shown at a meeting of the Northfield Historical Society this Thursday, April 6 at 7 p.m in the Grand Theater.

    Megan Vig '06 and Lauran Allinson '06, both of whom have cinema and media studies concentrations, were inspired to research the Grand by assistant professor of cinema and media studies Carol Donelan, their American film history instructor. More...

  • Sustainable Spring Break

    Spring Break, Sustainability Style

    March 29, 2006 at 3:44 pm

    If you think spring break is all about parties and beaches, think again. Four students recently set forth on Carleton's second annual Sustainable Spring Break trip, experiencing firsthand the exciting work being done to create a sustainable future on the Great Plains. Follow their eco-adventures in their online Sustainable Spring Break Journal.

  • Tent dwellers

    Dorm Wars Saved Energy in February

    March 9, 2006 at 4:04 pm

    February was officially called energy month at Carleton College, but for most Carls it was better known as Dorm Wars. Modeled after a similar program at Oberlin College, Dorm Wars pitted dorms against one another to see which buildings could reduce their per capita energy usage most drastically over the month. The winners were Goodhue at 22.2 percent and Asia House at 40.1 percent, reports facilities communications specialist Gloria Heinz.

    Full story and Dorm Wars photos.

  • The Future of Shaker Revival

    March 2, 2006 at 1:10 pm

    Carleton's own Shaker Revival has been making Northfield and the Twin Cities dance since April 2005. In this short film, Karina Hill '06 explores the future of the five-piece rock'n'roll band after they graduate this June.

    Snapshot from Karina Hill '06's Shaker Revival Film

    Click on the screenshot to watch the film (requires Quicktime).

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