Dates, Expenses, and Housing

The Program will take place during spring of 2016 and will roughly correspond to the Carleton term.

Barring unanticipated changes in visa regulations or radical fluctuations in the Russian economy, we will travel by train to St. Petersburg for 4-5 days over the traditional May 1-May 9 holidays. If time and finances allow, towards the end of the term (approximately May 20-June 4) we will travel to the Eastern and Western shores of the Lake Baikal region, including the Republic of Buryatia, on the border with Mongolia. In addition, course work within Moscow will be supplemented by travel in and around the city’s suburbs. Students who intend to travel in Russia after the program should be advised that their visa will be valid for ninety days beyond the day of our arrival; at the time of this writing, visa extensions are very difficult (read: impossible) to obtain, unless you are willing to register (for reasonable tuition rates) as a summer-school student with our Moscow State University affiliate.  

Students will in the dormitory of Moscow University’s historic Stalin-period main building and will spend approximately two weeks in a homestay in the city of Moscow with ready access to public transportation.  Families, screened by Carleton staff members, will provide students breakfast and supper daily. While living in the dorm and for lunches while in homestays students are allotted a food allowance from the program fees. The program also provides transit passes within the city of Moscow and a generous cultural activities fund.

Students pay the 2015-2016 Carleton comprehensive fee, which covers the costs of instruction, room, board, public transportation in Moscow, tickets and admissions, program travel, and social events. Students are responsible for the cost of books and printing, personal expenses, transportation to and from Moscow, and personal travel during the seminar. Estimates for expenses beyond plane fare run from $250 to $500.  Student financial aid is applicable as on campus.

For further information regarding work-study contracts, loans, and other subjects related to financial aid see the Off-Campus Studies Office or website at