Carleton presents Weekly International Film Forum

October 5, 2016

Carleton College continues its weekly International Film Forum, with screenings held Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Weitz Center for Creativity Cinema. The series features films from all around the world and is sponsored by the International Film Forum, a group dedicated to the viewing and studying of foreign films, developed through a partnership between the Carleton departments of arts, cinema and media studies, and languages. Screenings are often preceded by a presentation by the director of the film, a Carleton professor, or a knowledgeable guest and followed by a short discussion session. Screenings are also free and open to the public.

Upcoming films during the fall term include:

Monday, Oct. 10: “Mountains May Depart” (China, 2015) Directed by Jia Zhangke and screened at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, the film explores the life of a young woman in three different time periods: 1999, 2014, and 2025.

Monday, Oct. 24: “Freedom Moon” (Japan, 2016) This documentary film by Kim Sungwoon tells the story of a man who is released from prison after having been incarcerated for 48 years.

Monday, Nov. 2: “Embrace of the Serpent” (Colombia/Venezuela/Argentina, 2015) Shot in black-and-white, this award-winning adventure drama directed by Ciro Guerra encapsulates the relationship between an Amazonian shaman and two scientists searching for a sacred healing plant.

Monday, Nov. 7: “A Stray” (USA, 2016 film) Filmed in Minneapolis and directed by Somalian film maker Musa Syeed about a young Somalian refugee and an abandoned dog.

Monday, Nov. 14: “Gemma Bovery” (France/Great Britain, 2014) Directed by Anne Fontaine, this comedy-drama is based on the 1999 graphic novel of the same name and echoes characters from Flaubert’s classic novel, “Madame Bovary.”

For more information about the Carleton College International Film Forum, including disability accommodations, please contact Steve Richardson, Director of the Arts, at (507) 222-4389. The Weitz Center for Creativity is located at College and Third Streets in Northfield.

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