
Apr 14

Green Career Workshop

From site: Wellstone House of Organization and Activism

Come to the green career workshop to meet some awesome people and get some guidance about how to get into an environment-related career after graduation. The workshop is this Saturday, April 14 from 3-5pm, starting in Leighton 330. Professionals in various environmental fields will talk about their experiences and give advice about what skills, experience and education are helpful for environmental jobs that they know about. They will also talk about how to go about job hunting and what jobs are particularly in demand these days. There will be a 45 minute gathering where speakers will talk briefly about their work. Then there will be two half-hour break out sessions, so you can meet with speakers in fields that most interest you.

Saturday, April 14th, 2007
3:00 – 5:00 pm / Leighton 330

Come to the green career workshop to meet some awesome people and get some guidance about
how to get into an environment-related career after graduation. The workshop is this
Saturday, April 14 from 3-5pm, starting in Leighton 330. Professionals in various
environmental fields will talk about their experiences and give advice about what skills,
experience and education are helpful for environmental jobs that they know about. They
will also talk about how to go about job hunting and what jobs are particularly in demand
these days. There will be a 45 minute gathering where speakers will talk briefly about
their work. Then there will be two half-hour break out sessions, so you can meet with
speakers in fields that most interest you.

Here is the list of speakers:

Jenna Fletcher- Trust for Public Land and former policy analyst for the Minnesota Forest
Resources Council
Deb Grundmanis- Minnesota Department of Health- environmental health educator
Lonnie Gamble- Founder of Abundance Ecovillage, expert in Permaculture and other
Sustainable Systems
John Barry- Green Party Politician from Ireland, Professor of Political Science/ENTS at
Melissa Wenzel- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- pollution control specialist. Also
does environmental education and outreach and is coordinator for the Living Green Expo

This event is co-sponsored by Greenhouse, the Career Center, and ENTS.

We hope to see you there!

Sponsored by ENTS. Contact: nmukherj