
Apr 22

Earth Day at Carleton

From site: Environmental Studies Events

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Local and Organic Dining Selections in the Dining Halls
Enjoy a special lunch menu of organic salad items, organic pasta and sauce, an organic vegetable stew, a potato bar featuring local potatoes, and (as always) freshly baked breads with local and organic white and wheat flour.
11:30am-1:45, East Dining Hall and Burton Dining Hall

Wind Turbine Tour - Come hear about the history, construction and productivity of the Carleton Wind Turbine from by Facilities Director Steve Spehn. Meet in front of Sayles and ride in a new Carleton Prius hybrid to the turbine.
12:00pm, Meet outside of Sayles-Hill

“The Turbine Trot” – a 4.7 mile run through the Cowling Arboretum to Carleton’s wind turbine (and back). Be the closest runner to predicting your time and win a gift certificate to Just Food co-op!
5:00pm, Meet behind the Recreation Center

Farm House Dinner – come share a meal at Farm House! Arb Director Nancy Braker will talk about the importance of youth getting contact with the natural world.
6:00pm, Farm House

Come see the “Earth Tub” Composter
(DEMONSTRATION POSTPONED tentatively to Thursday)
7:00pm, Near the water tower (by Farm House)

No Power Hour! – Lights out and appliances off across Northfield for this energy reduction hour that follows recent 'Earth Hour' events held in cities around the globe.
7:00pm – 8:00pm, All campus

The Eleventh Hour Film Screening and discussion. Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this captivating documentary explores the perilous state of our planet, and the means by which we can change our course. Contributing to this crucial film are noted politicians, scientists and other ambassadors for the importance of a universal ecological consciousness.
8:00pm, Boliou 104

Events in Sayles throughout the day:
Offset Your Earth Day, bicycle-made smoothies, $5 bike repair station

Sponsored by Environment&Technology Studies. Contact: smithad