
Apr 17

Juggling Ethics and Social Justice: Activism or Political Office

From site: Wellstone House of Organization and Activism

Off-board students are welcome--just let the cashier know! Denise O'Brien is a full-time organic farmer from Atlantic, Iowa. A former president of the National Family Farm Coalition and Democratic nominee for Iowa's Secretary of Agriculture in 2006, she won the Ms.Foundation's Gloria Steinem award (recognizing commitment and achievement in social justice) and has addressed the UN General Assembly on behalf of the world's farmers. She currently coordinates the Women, Food, and Agriculture Network, an association of farm women who speak for and organize around the needs of women in agriculture.

Thursday, April 17th, 2008
12:00 – 1:00 pm / Shearer Dining Room in the LDC

Sponsored by Food Truth. Contact: englishr