World History: First Time - HIST.1253

About the Workshop 

This workshop will have two distinct parts, divided between the nuts and bolts of preparing students for the exam, and scholarship in the field of World History.

These interrelated dimensions are intended to help instructors teaching AP® World History to refine their own historical knowledge of key moments, themes, and developments in world history as well as develop or refine practical approaches and assignments for the classroom. Part of the session will be devoted to the intense discussion of a specific historical moment, trend, or development led by Carleton professors. The main focus of the workshop will be practical challenges and methods of teaching an AP® World History course. Intended as an opportunity to collaborate, share, and compare approaches with your colleagues, this forum may cover, among other things: chronology and periodization; cross-cultural comparison; the effective use of primary and secondary sources; fiction, images, and films as historical documents in the classroom; examining and choosing textbooks and primary source readers; concrete work on developing classroom-ready units; teaching students to write essays (DBQ, LEQ, and SAQ) according to the AP* Rubrics which have been fully redesigned for 2018; best practices in the field; and generally preparing students for the exam. The First Time session will focus heavily on structuring the course, and working with AP® Essays. 

Information from the June 2019 AP® reading will be discussed, and the latest information on the redesign will be shared.  We will be spending significant time with examples of actual student responses and rubrics for the redesigned writing portion.

This is the fifth year that Carleton will be offering split sessions, with a choice of First Time and Advanced Topics.  Our recommendation is for teachers with 0-2 years experience teaching AP® World and/or who have not attended the Carleton APSI before to take the First Time session, and those with three or more years experience or who have taken the Carleton APSI previously to sign up for the Advanced Topics. 

Register for the 2019 World History:  First Time workshop online.

About the Instructor