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The East Laird Times is distributed electronically to the faculty by the Dean of the College Office. It is published bi-monthly during the academic terms, and on an occasional basis during breaks. You may submit articles for the ELT to Charlene Hamblin by using the ELT Submission Form. Staff who wish to be added to the ELT mailing list may contact Peggy Pfister at x4303.

September 2, 2009 (September 2, 2009)

General News

  • Final Edition of the East Laird Times

    Today is our final edition of the East Laird Times.  Beginning next week, a new newsletter, Carleton Weekly, will replace both Currently@Carleton and The East Laird TimesCarleton Weekly will be distributed to all faculty and staff (and retirees who wish to receive it) and will continue to include news and information for and about faculty and staff.  Please continue to send us news of your professional engagements.  Submissions should be sent to, or you can find a link to the submission form from the Dean of the College Web site.

  • Carleton Trivia

    Q: When was Carleton College founded and by whom?  Which colleges or universities in Minnesota are older than Carleton?

  • Faculty Leaves and Grant Deadlines Reminder

    This is a reminder that it's time to think about leaves of absence and grant opportunities for 2010-11.  Please click on the link above for more information about requesting leaves and faculty grant application deadlines.

  • Faculty and Staff Scholarship Celebration on Monday, October 26, 2009

    On Monday, October 26, Sam Demas and I will host the Faculty and Staff Scholarship Celebration for those who have recently published books or major peer-reviewed journal articles, or produced significant creative works.  Continue reading for further details.

  • Staff Changes in the Dean of the College Office

    Charlene Hamblin has accepted new responsibilities during the academic year as Administrative Assistant to the Coordinator of the Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching and as Headley House Coordinator.  In the summer months, she will serve as Administrative Assistant to the Director of Summer Academic Programs along with her Headley House duties.  You can find Charlene in Willis 213 or at x4192.  Becky Krogh has moved into Charlene’s previous position supporting Associate Dean Éva Pósfay and Danette DeMann will provide support for Associate Dean Nathan Grawe.

  • Disruption in Great Space on Tuesday, September 8

    Please note that the Snack Bar will be closed on the morning of Tuesday, September 8. As it has been in the past, the Faculty Retreat will be held in Sayles-Hill Great Space until about 10:30 a.m. The Bookstore will, however, remain open and can be accessed through the downstairs entrance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

  • Donald Schier Dedication

    Donald Schier, recently deceased Mellon Professor of the Humanities, had the Summer 2009 number of the Sewanee Review dedicated to him. The dedication reads: "This issue of the Sewanee Review is dedicated to the memory of Donald S. Schier (1914-2009), teacher, scholar and critic, a valued contributor since 1981."