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The Best of the Security Blotter

May 27, 2006 at 4:14 pm

Monday, October 3
At 1:00 a.m., Security noticed a suspicious person enter the library just before closing time. The individual was questioned regarding their identity and purpose on campus. The person then exited the building and was last seen heading between Sayles-Hill and the Facilities Building. The incident was immediately reported to Northfield Police to establish whether or not they had any information on the suspect. It was later determined that the individual was a vulnerable adult missing from a local care facility. A campus-wide email was issued to alert the Carleton community. The person was found later the same day in good condition.

Thursday, October 13
At 2:00 a.m., Security noticed two students throwing stolen phone books on the ground floor of Burton Hall, the Chapel, and the Music and Drama Center. One student was apprehended and made to clean up the mess and return the damaged material. The other student in question was identified later.

Friday, October 14
At 10:15 p.m., Security received a phone call from a student to report that the student's roommate had been involved in "a huge fight on the Internet" and needed medical attention.

Saturday, October 15
At 10:45 a.m., the mother of a Carleton student called to report that her child's unlocked bike had been stolen one week earlier. The mother was encouraged to search campus and report the theft to the Northfield Police.

Monday, October 24
At 7:00 p.m., Northfield Police contacted Security regarding damage to five Carleton students' vehicles parked on Division Street and Second Street. The vehicles were allegedly damaged by a passing tractor.

Monday, October 31
At 8:10 p.m., Custom Alarm was called to report a fire at Evans Hall. Use of a chainsaw in the basement was found to be the cause of the alarm.

At 11:20 p.m., some students got into a fist-fight over the likeness of a dead German poet. The poet was not injured.

Tuesday, January 24
At 1:00 a.m., a student called to report the smoke detector in his room was beeping. Security responded with a new battery.

At 1:30 a.m., the aforementioned student called back saying the smoke detector was still beeping. Security responded with a new smoke detector head and another new battery.

At 2:00 a.m., the same sleepless student called back to say the beeping was possibly coming from a different smoke detector in the same room. Paranormal activity was suspected to be the source of the beeping. Security responded and restored bot smoke detectors to normal condition.

Wednesday, February 1
At 6:30 p.m., a student contacted Security after witnessing a full-size bus drive down the sidewalk through the townhouses resulting in damage to a kiosk, a porch and the bus itself.

Saturday, February 11
At 1:20 a.m., a student contacted Security regarding alleged harassment between residents of two adjacent college houses. Apparently an argument had developed over whether or not a student had the right to burn a religious book. The argument was extinguished and there was only minor damage to the book.

Wednesday, February 15
At 2:00 a.m., a representative from Custodial Services called to report what turned out ot be a series of disfigured dolls and stuffed animals in various locations about campus.

Sunday, February 19
At 4:30 a.m., Security received a noise complaint regarding loud music on 7th floor of Watson Hall. The offending source was discovered, the volume was adjusted, and good times were had by all.

Sunday, February 26
At 2:55 a.m., a student called to report that several students and alumni had illegally entered one of the tunnels at Nourse Hall. The misadventure resulted in a ruptured steam line prompting an evacuation of Nourse Hall and response from Northfield Police, Northfield Fire adn Rescue, Northfield Ambulance, and several Carleton Facilities staff members.

Tuesday, March 28
At 7:15 p.m., a student reported a live snake in a dorm room at Musser Hall. College custodians apprehended the illegal pet snake and turned it over to Security, who contacted appropriate college personnel to take custody of the snake. The snake was not harmed.

Tuesday, April 4

At 12:25 a.m., a representative from Residential Life reported vandalism witnessed at Watson Hall. The suspect continued the damage on a rampage west down First Street and south to Central Park, smashing windshields of cars and building windows. Carleton Security and Northfield Police have identified the allgeded suspect.

Wednesday, April 12
At 11:50 p.m, a swollen and lawless Mai Fete turned ugly.
At 2:55 a.m., Security discovered and disbanded an unregistered gathering in the Arboretum after following loud chanting to its source. Partygoers were informed that Northfield Police had been called and that was that--everybody ran.

Friday, April 7

At 6:30 p.m., an impish water balloon assault at Musser Hall left one laptop computer in need of a towel.

Tuesday, April 10
At 9:45 p.m., a Northfield resident complained about strobe lights, a siren, and a group of students milling about Benton House, which savvy students fortunately recognized as a fire alarm. Smoking grease on a warm stove was thought to be the source of the alarm. No fire.

Sunday, April 23
At 8:00 p.m., a student reported the use of a fire extinguisher at Boliou Hall in addition to a brief, art-related fire.

Tuesday, April 25
At 8:50 a.m., an individual reported the theft of red plastic food baskets from the Language and Dining Center. An alleged suspect was interrogated after the baskets were spotted congregating in a dorm window.

At 10:55 p.m., a college employee reported an accident between a college-owned lawn mower and a college employee-owned car after the mower threw a rock through the vehicle's rear window.

Friday, April 28
At 8:15 p.m., Security responded to Myers Hall to check on a student that had injured themselves while practicing gymnastics on a towel bar. The student was transported to the hospital.

At 1:10 a.m., Security responded to Page House on a report that some individuals were decorating the trees with toilet paper and spelling "a very bad word" on the lawn with toilet paper.

Tuesday, May 2
At 10:20 p.m., Security responded to Davis Hall to check on a student that had cut themself. While attempting to cut some rice krispie treats a student holding a possessed butter knife was maliciously attacked by the knife. Security transported the student to the hospital. Six stitches were received.

Friday, May 19
At 5:15 p.m., a student solicited Security for medical advice regarding an injury sustained after brakes failed to operate properly on the yellow bike the student was riding. The student was then transported to Northfield Hospital.

Monday, May 22
At 6:00 p.m., a member of the Security Department accused the Carletonian of slander and literary mayem after the word "escaping" was erroneously set in type as "emating". I know enough about the English language, email, and e-commerce to want no part in coining the term "emating".

Thursday, May 25
At 12:30 a.m., security received a threat that unknown resident(s) of Prentice House should stop stealing Julie's juice.

FYI: It is legal for persons under the age of twenty-one to possess or consume juice at any time, anywhere on campus except Prentice House.

Burnt Food Fire Alarm Tally

The most popular security blotter throughout the year has to do with fire alarm pulls because of burnt food. Carls may be smart, but we definitely don't know how to cook. Here are the campus winners of burnt food fire alarm pulls.

Parish House: 1
Davis Hall: 1
Eugster House: 2
Farm House: 4
Musser Hall: 2
Nourse Hall: 3
Brooks House: 1
Goodhue Hall: 1
Faculty Club: 1
Evenas Hall: 1
Benton House: 3
Burton Hall: 1
Colwell House: 1

"The Best of the Security Blotter" was originally published in The Carletonian on May 26, 2006. Reprinted with permission from the editor.

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