Volumes 10–20: Fall 2005–Spring 2016

The Weekly Beaker

Volume 20 Number 21

April 6, 2016

From the Chair

Welcome from the faculty, staff, and chemistry majors of the classes of 2016 and 2017 to the energetic new chemistry majors in the class of 2018!  Please feel free to join us for our weekly seminars, Journal Club meetings, Periodic Table, and the spring picnic in May.  You will now receive the “Weekly Beaker” in your email box informing you of these events, career and summer opportunities, and more.  We look forward to the “quality time” we will spend with you over the next two years in courses and labs!

The new majors are:

Akpan, Wisdom Amagai, Saki
Appachar, Anirudh R. Au, Lisa C.
Bolonduro, Olubusayo A. Brookner, Brittany J.
Byun, Ben Chaiken, Sarina R.
Chosy, Madeline B. Corman, Ben
Diaz de Leon, Samuel Donnell, Isaac C.
Faber, Katharine A. Fan, Ziyu
Frank, Elianna S. Hanson, Lydia V.
Hilliard, Brandon K. Kandel, Raksha
Lynch, Tj Ma, Senjie
Martinez, Isaac Nakajima, Hiroshi
Nguyen, Phuong H. Ortell, Katherine K.
Peterson, Paul O. Purfeerst, Samuel J.
Rae, Austin H. Stokes, Clausell
Sun, Chenxi Suresh, Maalu
Thomas, Carl J. Vaze, Aditya A.
Zhang, Jim

Chemistry Group Comps Presentation

Friday, April 8, 2016
3:30 p.m.
Boliou 104

Morrow Group:
John Eckert, Demi Liu, Hikaru Mizuno, Tawa Alabi, John Fox, Lisa Qiu, Natalie Kingston, Courtney Lunger, Lexi Papke

The BEST CEST in the midWEST
Development of transition metal complexes as paraCEST MRI contrast agents

Based on the work of Professor Janet R. Morrow (University of Buffalo, SUNY), our talk will explore the development of transition metal paramagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer (paraCEST) contrast agents for MRI imaging.  The presentation will cover how paraCEST contrast agents work and why they are useful.  In essence, paraCEST MRI contrast agents function through exchangeable protons that can be selectively turned on and off, and they overcome many of the limitations of traditional MRI contrast agents.  They are also responsive to their environment, including pH, temperature, and redox environment, and thus have applications in medical imaging.  While paraCEST agents are not in current medical use, they have the potential to drastically improve MRI medical imaging.

Periodic Table Meets This Week

Periodic Table meets this Thursday in the LDC.  We meet at noon in the chemistry hallway and walk over together, or you can join us there.  If you are off board, the department will cover your lunch.  Note:  We do not have one of the dining rooms reserved this week.

Sophomore Major Declaration Celebration

The Alumni Relations Office is organizing the 3rd annual major declaration celebration, where sophomores will have an opportunity to celebrate this college milestone with their peers over root beer floats, personalized departmental buttons, and cheesy photos.  The event will be held Friday, April 8, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in Great Hall.